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The two ran to the door to catch him, but he was gone.

I sat in shock at the kitchen table. My mascara was still in my hand as I was at quite a loss for words.

"Oh, my God..." Darry mumbled.

Sodapop was at a loss for words as well. I finally snapped out of it. "What in the world! What is wrong with you? That was your solution? You think that was gonna make him listen?" I asked in total shock.

"I-I wasn't thinking."

"I know you weren't. Now he's really gonna get in some trouble if he wasn't before. That's his reason right there."

I packed up my shit and put my bag on top of my bed. I grabbed my purse and walked towards the door.

I left without a word.

On my way to Bucks, I pondered about what Darry had done. How is shoving Ponyboy across the room to the point where he can't keep his balance ever gonna make him listen?

I passed by the lot on the way, but I didn't see Ponyboy or Johnny.

I wondered how far Ponyboy could have run by now. I hope the kids gonna be okay.

I walked inside and noticed Dallas wasn't at the counter. I figured he wasn't working so I went upstairs.

I knocked on the door before just walking in, just in case he had other plans.

He opened the door. "Hey, DJ." He said leaning on the door frame.

"What happened to your face?" I asked in shock.

"Had it out with Tim tonight. Got upset with me for slashing his tires."

I couldn't help, but giggle. "How dare he?" I asked with a laugh.

I noticed Dallas crack a grin as I walked beside him into the room.

I set my stuff down and he came next to me. His lips made his way to mine pretty quickly. Everything was going as normal.

He was on top of me, ready to get started, when there was a knock on the door. We both sat up.

"Dallas." Buck said. "There's people here to see ya."

I raised an eyebrow. "Who would need ya at almost three in the morning?"

"Beats me." He muttered. "Comin'." He called.

I sighed as he put his pants back on.

"I'm gonna go take a shower. I guess I'm gettin' tired. You mind if I spend the night here? Lots goin' on at home."

"Yeah that's fine."

I walked down the hall and turned the shower on. I really just wanted to wash my body odor off and head to bed. Dallas seemed like he was gonna be preoccupied with whoever was at the door.

I started to get in and squealed. "Dallas! The hot waters not working again!" I yelled.

Dallas' POV

"What do you boys want?"

"Johnny killed a Soc." Ponyboy said shaking.

"What? Alright, good for you. Come on. Ponyboy, you're wet."

"We're sorry to get you away from this party, Dal."

"Nah, I was just gettin' some rest. Had it out with Tim Shepherd tonight."

I brought them upstairs and handed them a few things. "Hey, don't point that thing at me. It's loaded."

We heard a squeal from the bathroom. DJ was yellin' about the water.

I had to make this quick, because I knew damn well she wasn't gonna take a cold shower.

"Take the 3:15 to Windrixville. It's a freight. I'll head up there in a few days after everything cools down. Got it?"

They both nodded and I brought them downstairs.


I turned the water off and put my clothes back on. I was annoyed that this damn water heater never worked.

I walked out into the hallway and I clearly saw Dallas walking these two boys down the stairs.

Was that Johnny?

More importantly, what that Ponyboy?

I tried to go to the stairs, but it was too late. They were around the corner already.

Dallas came upstairs and I stared at him blankly. "Who was that?"

"Just Tim and Curly. Wanted to talk."

"That didn't look like Tim or Curly..." I muttered.

"It was. Just wanted to give me a hard time."

I stared at him blankly. "Was that Ponyboy and Johnny?"

"For Christs sake, no! No, it wasn't. Come on. You goin' to bed?"

I stared at him in shock. I knew he could lie. He's done it very well for me before. "Actually, I'm gonna get home." I said without another word.

I walked quickly home and inside. "Ponyboy!" I yelled.

Darry and Sodapop both groggily walked out of their rooms and looked at me. "He isn't back." Sodapop said. "Figured he'll come back by morning."

I felt my heart beat faster and my breath quicken. "Hey, calm down." Darry said softly coming up to me.

"Don't lay a goddamn finger on me!" I screamed. "You guys need to find him! Come on, what are you doing?" I yelled.

"DJ, there's nothing we can do right now. I'm sorry." Sodapop said.

"Guys, I think something bad is gonna happen..."

"He's probably just spending the night with Johnny in the lot. He'll come home after he cools off." Sodapop said.

"He's not in the lot! I passed by! I think they're in trouble! What do you guys not understand?"

"DJ, get some rest. We'll look for him in the morning." Darry said.

I frowned as they went back to bed. I turned on the shower and decided to just wash my hair and face as well and get to bed.

My gut told me that was Ponyboy and Johnny at Bucks. I knew it was. Why would they be at Dallas' that late? Why would they need him unless something really bad has happened?

I had a hard time falling asleep that night. I missed Ponyboy being home. I was worried for the two.

I finally did fall asleep, but I was awake pretty early.

I went outside before making breakfast to get some fresh air. Ponyboy's shoes were still missing.

I sighed and picked up the paper for Darry.

I glanced over it for a moment and my mouth dropped.

"Darry! Sodapop!" I screamed.

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