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I woke up on the chilly winter morning and stretched my arms out.

Three months have passed and only two more till Dallas is out.

But today wasn't just any day.

I am a legal adult!

I used to just have some friends over and we'd eat cake and watch the television, but last year I didn't do anything, because I was so upset over mom and dad, so I have to make this one even better!

And I'm eighteen!

However, it snuck up on me and I have nothing planned.

So it was gonna be a bit tough.

I brushed my hair and got up out of bed. I was still in my pajamas, but it was a nice Saturday and I had nothing to do.

Maybe that's a gift in itself.

I walked into the hallway and I smelled waffles. I gasped. "Is that a waffle?" I asked in excitement.

None of us ever had the motivation to make waffles in the morning, so we never got them.

"Yeah, happy birthday, Deej!" Soda said trying to put it on a plate.

I laughed and saw the stack there waiting for us. "Alright! Being eighteen is awesome!" I yelled.

Ponyboy walked out of his room. "Morning, guys." He said rubbing his eyes. "Happy birthday, DJ."

"Thanks, Ponyboy."

Darry eventually joined us as well and we all sat down and ate the delicious waffles that I was ecstatic over.

We all finished our meal and started to clean up. "Oh! Let me get your gift." Ponyboy said leaping to his room.

"I told y'all not to get me anything."

"You tell us a lot of things we don't do." Sodapop said.

I laughed. "Alright. Fair point."

Ponyboy came out with a small bag and a grin. "I got to hide it, because Darry didn't trust Soda."

I laughed at his pride. I opened it and smiled when I saw the slinky. "Thanks, guys." I said with a grin.

Sodapop broke mine a couple months ago.

"You're welcome. Got any plans today?" Darry asked.

"No, not really. Hoping to find one, though. I got work tomorrow morning, so I don't want anything too crazy. Just gonna play it by ear."

The door slammed open. "Where's my birthday girl?"

I laughed and hugged Julia. "Hey, Julia."

She handed me the small bag and grinned. "I think you'll love it!"

I looked inside and set the tissue paper down. I gasped. "Barrel monkeys! Oh my, goodness! I haven't played that since we were kids." I said with a laugh.

"That's not all! Guess what we're doing tonight?" I cocked an eyebrow. "Karaoke at Fireworks Tavern tonight!"

I gasped and we both jumped up and down. "What? You're joking!" I yelled.

"Nope! See ya tonight at eight! Got a reservation for your brothers and your friends."

"No way, no way, no way! Oh my, God! You have to help me find an outfit!" I yelled pulling her into my room.

We spent a good minute picking out what I was going to where.

I was also gonna go get lunch with her, so I put on my makeup and curled my hair. I had a more casual outfit laid out for lunch.

I heard a knock on the door. "I got it!" I yelled walking out of my room.

I found it weird whenever someone knocked.

I opened the door and a gasp left my mouth. "Brian! What are you doing here?" I asked giving him a hug.

"Jules invited me down. Happy birthday!" He said handing me a card.

I turned around and Julia was grinning at me. I laughed. "Thank you."

"We're heading out to lunch. Go change your clothes and we'll head out."

"Yes, ma'am!" I said with a grin.

We got lunch at the restaurant just at the edge of town. Their breadsticks are phenomenal.

I spent the day with the guys and even Johnny came over. He's been out of the hospital for a couple days with crutches and a limp.

Then it was time for karaoke!

The place was impossible to get into on a Saturday night. Only went once with Julia on a Monday night, but I can only imagine how much better it was on a Saturday. More people, more fun!

We all left in Darry's car and went inside.

We ordered some food and drinks. I had my first legal shot and was ready for some fun.

"DJ, wanna go do some karaoke? They've got some spots open." Julia said.

"You know it." I said with a grin.

We did our favorite song that we've been listenin' to on the radio since we were kids. We were laughing, because we kinda sucked. But the fun of it was what mattered.

Brian and I went next and we did the song our fifth grade history and science teacher would play at the beginning of class.

I was a bit out of breath when Brian and I wrapped up our song, so I went back to our high top to get something to drink and take a break.

"Havin' fun, Deej?" Soda asked.

"Yeah. Kinda tiring." I said with a laugh before taking a sip of my water. I looked across the table. "Where's Darry?"

"Uhh... he went to go talk to someone." Brian said. "He looked familiar. I noticed up on stage."

"Is he Darry's age or ours?"

"I-I dunno. Ours? He looked familiar. I just can't pin from where."

Johnny turned around. "He'll bring him over here."

I took another sip of my water and yawned. "Man, I'm gettin' tired."

"It is getting pretty late." Jules said.

"I have work tomorrow as well."

"We all just paid so we're good to go when you are." Steve said.

"Oh! Let me pay my tab real quick." I said going through my purse.

"No, it means we paid. And we're good to go. And you are, too." Two-Bit said.

"Guys! I have some cash. I can pay."

I mean, I didn't want to, but I still felt bad!

Darry came back to the table and we all stood around for another second talking before we made our way to the door.

"Leaving so soon?" Someone asked.

I turned around to see who was talking to me.

I gasped. "Dallas!"

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