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I walked in the hospital and up to Johnny's room.

I went inside. "Hey, Johnny."

"Hi, DJ."

He sounded exhausted. "How's everything?"

"Not good. I can't feel myself anymore."

"Oh, Johnny..."

"I can't do this. I don't have the money."

I thought. "Get the surgery."

"DJ, I can't."

I kneeled down next to him. "Johnny, I care about you so much. Don't worry about the cost. Your life cannot be over, because of finances. You have my word. I will figure it out. You've been there for me so much. I can't lose you." I said choking up.

"Thanks, DJ. I'll let the doctor know." He said softly.

"Good. And I'm gonna tell the doctor myself so you don't lie to me." I said with a laugh through my tears.

He managed to let out a slight grin.

Just then, Ponyboy and Dallas walked through the door.

"Oh my, goodness. Ponyboy, are you okay?" I asked.

He seemed groggy.

Dallas used his body to shove me away from Johnny. I sighed and stood up to catch my balance.

"Hey, Johnny. We beat the Socs. Knocked 'em right out of the park."

"That's awesome, Dal." He said quietly.

"Yeah. We're gonna be okay."

I decided to leave them alone. I went to talk to the doctor about the surgery and they said they'd start prepping it.

I was about to walk back inside and Dallas ran out next to me, brushing his shoulder on mine.

I went in the room in a panic. Dallas was crying. I've never seen any emotion come out of that man.

"Ponyboy, what happened?"

"Johnny's dead..."

"What?" I yelled.

"Doctor! Help! Please!" I yelled into the hallway.

Doctors rushed in pretty quickly. Pushed Pony and I out.

A doctor came to talk to us. "We were able to resuscitate him. We're gonna get him into surgery now. If you wanna stop by tomorrow we can give you more answers."

"So there's a chance?" Ponyboy asked through tears.

"A small one, but yes."

"Come on, Pony. Let's go home." I said.

We walked down the stairs and Ponyboy spoke up. "Dally's in trouble." He said.

"What do you mean he's in trouble?"

"He can't handle this. He's gonna snap."

I looked at him blankly for a moment. "Come on."

We ran out the door and back home. "Is Dallas here?" I asked quickly.

"Darry's on the phone with him." Steve said.

I let out a sigh of relief. He was okay.

"Come on, everyone. Dally's at the park."

He wasn't okay...

I ran faster than ever. Faster than I even knew I could run.

The run was maybe a minute, but it felt like eternity. I felt like I was running for hours. And I was gonna be late. Too late. Like I was with Johnny.

I made it to the park and without even thinking, I ran up to him. I saw the cops surrounding him.

"You'll never catch me alive!" He yelled.

I ran to him.

I ran.

Cops were shooting at him. The first time they missed. But he pulled out a gun and almost shot at them.

"Dallas!" I yelled.

He looked at me briefly. His face was cut up and he looked drained.

He wanted to die.

Dallas Winston always got what he wanted.

Ponyboy's words echoed in my head. He used to say that all the time.

I saw a cop shoot at him.

I put my hand in front of it.

I wasn't thinking.

The ringing went through my ears and I fell to the floor in agony.

I was finding it hard to breathe. It pierced my arm.

I was sobbing and struggling to hold it together.

"Goddammit, DJ!" Dallas yelled.

I looked up and the wind blew the hair out of my face.

They shot him.

I screamed and cried as Dallas fell to the floor. I held my arm close to my chest as the blood poured out of it.

Darry ran up to me and sat next to me. "DJ! What the hell is the matter with you?"

I sobbed. I couldn't do anything else but just break down and cry.

I felt as if my pulse was in my arm.


It was all I was able to say. Nothing else was able to leave my mouth.

He hated me and I know he did, but I couldn't let him die. He could hate me for eternity, but I'd never forgive myself if I just stood and watched him die.

But it was no use.

He was lifeless on the cold, muddy ground.

Sodapop and Darry were next to me. Sodapop took off his flannel and wrapped it around my arm.

Cops surrounded the four of us.

They took Dally away.

I felt my breathing get heavier and my vision got blurry. I couldn't tell if I was goin' out or if the tears in my eyes were delaying my vision.

It had to be a mix of both.

I lost Dally.

And for the first time, I could finally admit it.

I love him.

I love him so much.

But he's gone.

The world seemed to stop. Time stopped moving. Everyone was frozen. My arm had stained Sodapop's shirt red.

"Come on, DJ. Stay with us." Someone said.

I think it was Darry.

I was trying, I really was.

But I couldn't.

Everything was spinning.

One second I saw the gang at the bottom of the hill, Ponyboy included.

The next was Darry and Sodapop.

Then it was the trees.

Then I saw the sky.

And then everything went black.

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