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"You're WHAT?" Dallas yelled.

"Oh. That actually is pretty smart." I uttered.

"We're goin' back and we're gonna turn ourselves in."

Dallas stared at him in shock. "You're- You're gonna... I get you a hideout, man a hideout. And now you wanna go and turn yourselves in."

Dallas and Johnny started fighting and I leaned over to Ponyboy. "Can I talk to you. Over there. Alone." I said softly.

He put the last bite of his sandwich in his mouth and sighed. "Yeah."

We hopped out of the car and walked around back. "Ponyboy, why would you run off? Darry's worried about you. You know he didn't mean it."

"I don't care if he meant it. He did it. Why are you defending him? You don't like him either."

"Ponyboy, I love him. He's still my brother. And I love you. And I want you to come home."

"Well, Johnny apparently wants to turn us in."

"It's self defense. That one girl, Cherry? She's gonna help you out. Said she'll testify it was self-defense. Which, it was. Ponyboy, we all miss you and want you back."

"I guess I don't really have a choice..." He muttered.

"I promise you, it's for the best. Running away only makes you look guilty."

"Yeah, I know."

"Come on, let's head back to the car. Let Dallas know."

"Donna!" Someone yelled.

We both looked over. No one's called me Donna since mom died. "Brian?" I asked with a smile.

We walked up to each other and I hugged him. "I knew it was you! How have you been?"

"Umm... well, honestly things are pretty rough right now. What are you doin' up here?"

"Moved away sophomore year. It was pretty sudden. Over the summer."

"Wow. That's crazy!" I said with a laugh.

Brian and I have gone to school together ever since I was a kid. Stopped seeing him around, but didn't know he left town. Just thought he had different classes.

"Yeah. What's new? How's Tulsa?"

"Eh. Same old. Still the old greaser and Soc shit." I said with a laugh.

"Yeah, never could move pass that." He said with a laugh. "Your family still doin' well?"

"Actually, my parents died in a car accident about nine months ago. I still stay with my brothers, though. We're managing."

"I'm so sorry, Donna."

"It's alright. It's hard, but family's important. How's Lisa?"

Lisa's his younger sister.

"She's good. She loves it here. Made more friends who really care about her."

"I'm so happy for her. She deserves it." Lisa was a year younger than us. I knew it was hard for her to make friends.

"Well, I better get back to my friends. It was good seein' ya. Hope everything looks up for you."

"Thanks. I appreciate it."

We walked over to our cars and his car was playing music while everyone was sitting on top eatin' their food.

Just then, a song came on.

"Oh my, God!" We both yelled. We laughed as our song came on.

It was the song we danced to for our third grade talent show. "You still know the moves?"

"Oh, goodness. Probably not."

"Dan, Ronan, this is Donna. She's my old friend from Tulsa." He yelled over the music.

"Hey." They both said in sync.

"This is our song! We danced to it for the talent show a while ago."

"Perform it!" They said teasing us.

"Oh, I dunno." I said with a laugh.

"Come on! I know I started with my strut."

I laughed as the song played. I walked in, grabbed his hand and he spun me around. I did my kick, and he did his thing.

It was corny. It was something we came up with when we were so young. But it was good to get out of reality and just be normal for a second.

Dallas' POV

"Who's that?" I asked.

"Bryan. He's DJ's old friend."

"They're dancing?" Johnny asked.

"I think it was something they did for a talent show a while back. I don't really remember it, but Soda would."

"She looks like she's having a good time." Johnny said.

"It almost looks like they're dating." I muttered.

"She wouldn't. I don't think she's into all that. Ma always liked him. Came over a few times. Darry and Soda used to joke that they would get together."

"They didn't though?" I asked.

"Nope. She's just really good with people."

"Whaddya mean by that?" I asked.

"I dunno. It was always just her thing. Everyone loves Donna. People used to say that all the time. Especially to me and Sodapop. I dunno what it is. I thought for a while it was 'cause of her looks, but even girls love her. It's just her personality. She knows how to talk to people and everyone loves it."

Ponyboy laughed slightly. "Sodapop used to get so annoyed when people would go up to him and ask if he was Donna's brother. If anything, we thought we'd get known for being Darry's brothers. But no. It was always her. Even teachers would recognize our last name, ask if we were related, and we'd get some sort of higher liking compared to the rest of the class."

I always figured Donna struggled being related to the brothers. Darry's smart and strong, Sodapop's got a smile that'll knock any girl off their rocker, and Ponyboy's smart. But if anything, looking now, I feel like they struggled being her brothers.

It made sense. The girl really did have a way with her words. Made everyone like her. Guess I just didn't notice it until now.

Even those guys on the car that she's never met seemed to be enjoying her presence.

Maybe that's why I took a liking to her. She's beautiful and nice.

Ponyboy was right. There wasn't a single person I could name that didn't like her. She seemed to just know everyone and everyone knew her.

I felt my jealousy rise.

I honked the horn. "DJ! Let's go!" I yelled.

She looked over at us and back at the guys before walking back to our car.

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