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The next couple days went by, Ponyboy got better. Got him a bit more food in his stomach.

And Johnny's awake! Two-Bit told me today.

If things go well at the trial today, I'm gonna get a job. Part time. So I can help Darry and Johnny with expenses. I know I've probably caused enough damage for them.

Now I have to step up and help.

There's still no word on Dally. Nurses won't tell us anything.

But the four of us got dressed up and ready for the trial.

Johnny and Dallas won't be there. Obviously. But it worried me. From what I know, everyone's gonna testify that it was self-defense. Even the Socs.

Even Darry and Soda were all dressed up for it.

We got there and I felt myself tense up and start to get really warm beforehand.

Ponyboy was the first to say anything.

He said his side of the story.

My heart broke as he told it.

This poor kid was going through so much and none of us realized it.

Cherry and Randy went next.

Then I had to go...

I went in the church to save those kids which is why I was now formally involved.

I sat down and they had me state my name for records.

"Alright, Donna, go ahead."

"Umm... well, I made Dallas take me up to Windrixville, because I knew that he knew where Ponyboy and Johnny were. It was one of those things you could kinda just tell."

I really didn't want Darry, Soda, and Pony to find out about me and Dallas in a court hearing. They'll find out soon. I'll tell them. But not now.

I continued. "He drove me up there and we ran into them. We got some food from the Dairy Queen down the road. I ran into an old friend of mine which put me in a better mood. Then we got back to the church and it was on fire. The kids were in there and Ponyboy ran in first to save them. Johnny followed next. Dallas and I both hesitated to go, because at the moment we weren't a hundred percent sure what they're were doing."

I took a breath. "We followed them in the church and helped them get the kids out. Once we did, Dallas and I got out, but Ponyboy and Johnny didn't. Dallas and I agreed that I'd get Ponyboy and he'd get Johnny, but we got mixed up. We ran in and some fell between us, causing us to go our different directions. Due to that, I ended up grabbing Johnny and Dallas grabbed Ponyboy."

I felt the tears well up in my eyes as I was talking. "I just wanted to save my brother. Which now, looking back, I owe Dallas my life for getting him out. He got the fire off his back before any drama he was caused. I grabbed Johnny, but I was too late. His leg got caught pretty bad and it burned an important nerve in his upper leg."

"I was hit with some piece of wood and was knocked out as I got out of the church. I just wanted to get my friends out of there. They made a mistake, but I love them. Johnny's been carrying around a switchblade ever since a few months ago. He was beat up by Bob and his friends which left a scar on his face. Kinda messed him up a bit."

I felt bad saying that, but it really was the truth.

"The reason he used that blade is because they were gonna kill Ponyboy and I knew he would never let what happened to him happen to his friend. They were trying to drown Ponyboy. Johnny was just doing what it took to save his friends life."

"Thank you, Donna. You may be seated."

I sighed and took a seat next to Darry.

Darry smiled at me, but I knew it was a pity smile.

Ponyboy had to go back up and I knew I would too. I thought maybe they'd call Sodapop. It was to talk about our home life.

Ponyboy ended his statement. "Our parents passed away about nine months ago. Darry had plans to go to college and move out, but because of this, he couldn't. He took on the role that nobody would ever want to take on and for that I'm forever grateful."

I was next. They asked me how it was like living at home. "Well, I love it. My family is the most important thing to me. I feel like a lot of us look up to Darry in a parental figure way, but I knew him as an older brother. He's been there for me ever since I could remember. Whenever I had a problem at school or with friends, he would always be there for me. He puts his family first. He would never put anyone else above us and that was always his big thing. And we fight, we argue, we aren't perfect. We know that. But I know that we have what most siblings don't. A bond. We care about each other and we show it. I know that I've made mistakes and that my brothers should have me for every single one of them, but they don't. They're my biggest supporters through and through."

I hoped it was good.

I meant what I said.

I truly did.

I don't know what I would do if I didn't have them. They mean everything to me.

I sat back down next to Ponyboy and the other witnesses. "I hear by announce Johnny Cade not guilty of manslaughter. And by the state of Oklahoma, I allow Ponyboy Curtis, Sodapop Curtis, and Donna Curtis to stay in the custody of their older brother Darrel."

I jumped up and so did Ponyboy. We hugged each other and we both ran to Darry and Sodapop.

In that one moment, nothing mattered besides them.

All I could think about was my family.

I was gonna stay with them.

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