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The drive home was filled with nothing but silence. Normally I would have taken the front seat, but I wanted to sleep.

Ponyboy and I slumped in the backseat. Soda and Darry must've taken us in, because I woke up the next morning in my bed.

Oh, how I missed my bed.

I was only gone for a day, but it felt like a lifetime.

I woke up to Steve and Two-Bit pushing and shoving around the kitchen.

I got out of bed and everyone was up and moving. Darry, Steve, and Soda were ready for work.

"Hey, kid. How ya feelin'?" Darry asked.

"I'm alright. Head hurts, but nothin' I can't handle."

"Alright. I'm thinkin' about staying home. Ponyboy ain't lookin' too good."

"Aw, come on, Dar. He'll be alright. I'll take care of him."

"Yeah, I'll be here, too." Two-Bit said.

He sighed. "Alright. Stay outta trouble." Darry said before closing the door.

I looked at the paper on the counter. "Hey, it's us!" I said with a laugh. "Says we're heroes."

"Yeah, I saw it." Ponyboy said.

I read farther down. "Holy shit. A home? What does it mean it wants us in a home?"

"Guess this is why Darry always said to stay out of trouble."

I sighed. "Gotta court hearing to look forward to... great..."

I sighed as Two walked by with his cake and beer.

I went and got ready as I normally did. Decided to go see Johnny and Dallas in the hospital.

"Two, you good with staying with Pony? I'm gonna check on Dal and Johnny."

"Yeah, we're good. We'll probably stop by soon."

"Alright. See y'all around." I said closing the door behind me.

I walked to the hospital and, boy, was I nervous.

I don't know how I felt about it. I really wasn't sure.

But I made it.

I checked in and went to stop by Johnny's room.

I knocked as I walked in. "Hey, Johnny. How ya feelin'?"

He sighed. "Not too hot. Busted my leg pretty good. Struck a nerve. Gotta have a surgery to fix it or it'll shut down my body."

"Shit. I'm so sorry, Johnny. I feel terrible. I was just so shocked at what was goin' on."

"It's alright. It could have been worse. The only problem now is that I don't have the money for it. That and the whole case on Bob."

I grinned at his comment. "Johnny, we're gonna make sure you're okay. How much time you got?"

"Not sure. Doc said he won't know until later."

"I'm so so sorry, Johnny. But, I better go check on Dallas. See how he's doin'. He's gotta hate being stuck here."

"Alright. See ya, DJ."

I waved goodbye and walked down the hallway.

I walked in Dally's room and he looked bored out of his mind. "Hey, Dally." I muttered.

"What the hell do you want?"


"I-I just came to see how you were doin'..."

"Did you see Johnny?"

"Yeah... just saw him. He's not doin' too well. Doesn't have the money for what he needs."

He groaned. "And do you wanna tell me whose fault that is?"

"Huh?" I asked.

"Who went and got him out of that church?"

"Uhh... I did..."

"And now who's dealing with the consequences?"

"Dal, it was an accident..." I mumbled. "I obviously would never want him to feel like this." I muttered.

He stood up and got in my face. He was wearing nothing but blue jeans. "After all the shit I've done for you, too! You're gonna let my best friend die?" He yelled.

"Dallas, I don't want him to die." I said nervously.

"I let you stay at Bucks whenever you want, even though you've got a damn place to stay, I give you free drinks, I even fuck you whenever the hell you want."

I was at such a loss for words. "Dallas,"

"And now you go and kill my best friend. So get the hell out."

I left.

I left without another word.

I held back tears as I left the hospital. "Hey, DJ." Ponyboy said.

I didn't even look at him. I couldn't. I had tears in my eyes, failing to hold them back.

"Deej, you okay?" Two-Bit called.

I ignored it.

I thought we were okay. I knew he was gonna be upset, but I didn't realize he'd be this upset.

I cared about him.

I do care about him.

I went home crying and slumped in my bed.

I didn't realize he felt like that.

And I felt like an idiot.


News got across town that a rumble was goin' down Friday night. I would never even consider fighting in that. The guys did, but I always got the water and bandages ready for when they got back.

I was nervous about this one.

A lot was going on in this town at the moment. But I heard the Socs were gonna play fair. No weapons. Let's hope they stick to that.

Everyone was in the living room getting ready for the rumble. I was sitting on the couch watching TV as everyone got ready. "Ponyboy, I dunno if you should fight in this rumble." Darry said putting his shirt on.

"I was fine before, wasn't I?"

I went up to him. "Come on." I drawled. "Don't you wanna spend time with your big sis?" I teased.

"Yeah, Ponyboy. This times different."

"I'll be okay."

They all joked around and rushed out the door. I knew Dallas and Johnny were still in the hospital. Figured I'd see Johnny. I know Dal didn't wanna see me, though. Even though I really wanted to see him.

But I knew I couldn't.

I had a bad feeling about tonight.

I think Darry was right. I didn't want Ponyboy in that fight. He's weak. He's stressed.

If only I knew, that wasn't my biggest worry for that night. So much worse was coming and it was right under my nose.

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