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Time went on and things started to change around my house. Darry grew colder as he was adjusting to being out guarding.

Ponyboy grew closer to Dallas and Johnny. He seems to be liking them a lot more since mom and dad died. He's always liked them. They're just closer.

Sodapop still works full time at the DX with Steve. He's been dealing it. He's been been kinda upset lately since we had to sell his horse, but he's managing.

Ponyboy and Sodapop basically share a room at this point. Ponyboy started getting nightmares and it was decided that Sodapop and him sharing a room would keep him more comfortable during the night.

As for me, I changed a bit more than anticipated. Looking back, at least. I wore a lot of makeup. Way more than I did before. Probably as much as any typical greaser girl. My hair was never left undone. I grew to like slicked back ponytails or lose curls down my back. And I rarely wear skirts anymore. I actually really like the new style. The cool patterned pants and tops.

I still regularly saw Dallas. It was pretty much every week. I'd say I was going to Julia's and just kinda head over there. I have gotten used to timing and sobriety. Most of the time I'd still have something to drink, but it's become less awkward sober. Meaning, I don't have to be drunk to do it.

Darry had gotten pretty harsh on me and Ponyboy. He seems alright with Sodapop. But he's been bitching to Ponyboy a lot and I think it's starting to get to him. I feel bad for him. Ponyboy and I have grown closer since mom and dad died. I used to be super close with Darry, but now it feels like I don't know him at all, but I know everything about Pony.

Darry had kinda given up on me. He tried to tell me I couldn't go to Julia's ones night and I will say, I don't think I was right in this situation, but I threw a fit and he wouldn't talk to me for three days.

I understand the stress is likely getting to him, but he's changed. Drastically.

At this point, I feel like I could be dead in the middle of the street and he wouldn't care. But he has to keep going to keep Soda out of a home.

But I grew to care less and less. Life changed quickly for all of us.

It was a typical Saturday night and I haven't seen Dallas in a hot second. He got hauled in a few weeks ago. But he got out on good behavior today, so I'm gonna stop by tonight at Bucks. Ponyboy mention him, Johnny, and Dal were headin' out tonight. So I figured when Ponyboy got home I'd head out.

Time went on and ten passed, eleven passed, midnight passed, and even one in the morning passed.

Darry was pacing around, Sodapop was half asleep on the couch, and I was getting impatient.

I wanted to get out and do things on a Saturday night. Not get stuck with my brothers.

After one, I grabbed my mirror, sat at the kitchen table, and started to get ready while I waited for Ponyboy.

"God, where is this kid?" Darry asked angrily.

"I'm sure he's fine. He's out with Johnny. Maybe something happened with Johnny and his parents so he's tryna help."

"And he's also out with Dallas. Do you know what Dallas could be up to at this time of night?"

Me. He should be up to me.

I stayed out of the conversation for the moment to focus on my makeup.

"Darry, I'm sure he's okay. Give him some time. He'll get home."

"And what if he doesn't? You know what that'll do to us?"

I rolled my eyes.

"Dar, calm down." Soda continued. "He's been having a hard time since he started high school. Johnny wouldn't let him do stupid stuff with Dallas."

"I swear to God, when I see that kid, he's never gonna wanna go out again."

I finally spoke up. "God, Darry. Give him a break! He's a teenager now! He's gonna wanna go out and do teenage things. So if it means missing a curfew, he's not gonna care."

"You, shut your trap! He ain't like you! He's better than you'll ever be."

I leaned back in the chair and hoped he couldn't tell how much that hurt me. I just went back to doing my makeup.

Darry continued. "What the hell are you even getting ready for?"

"I'm going out..." I muttered.

"What?" He asked in shock.

"I said I'm going out."

"Like hell you are. What are you thinking?"

"I'm thinking when Ponyboy gets home I'm goin' out with a few friends. If Ponyboy missing curfew is better than I'll ever do, I might as well live up to the name."

Darry rolled his eyes and let me continue doing what I was doing.

Remember when I said he gave up on me?

Here ya go.

After a little bit more time, the door opened. Darry was calling some people to see if they were with Ponyboy, like Steve and Two-Bit.

They hadn't.

Darry slammed the paper down and stood up. "Where the hell have you been? Do you know what time it is? Almost two o'clock in the mornin', kiddo."

"Hey, Pony, where ya been?" Soda said waking up from his sleep.

He walked past them. "I was talking to Johnny and I fell asleep in the lot."

"You, what?" Darry exclaimed.

I couldn't help but laugh. I enjoyed when Darry got frustrated. Ponyboy repeated himself as he walked in the bathroom. I started putting on my mascara.

"You know, I can't even call the cops 'cause you three would be thrown in a home so quickly, it would make your head spin."

Sodapop went up to the bathroom door. "Come on, Pony, let's go to bed."

"It was an accident. I didn't mean to." Ponyboy uttered.

"It was an accident, I didn't mean to, I forgot, that's all I ever hear from you!"

"Come on, Darry-"

He cut him off. "You shut up! I'm sick and tired of you sticking up for him!"

"Don't you yell at him!"

In a split second, Darry had shoved Ponyboy across the dining room. He had tried to grab the table, but missed.

Within a second, Ponyboy bolted out the door and ran. He was always a good runner. He really showed it here.

"Wait- I didn't mean to." Darry called out.

But it was too late.

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