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I couldn't finish our routine, because of how corny it was and how stupid I felt. But it was comical, I will say.

We were all laughing and they turned down the music. "What's your name again?" Dan asked.

"Donna. But most people call me DJ."

"Nice to meet ya, DJ. Maybe we'll see ya again."

"Yeah, it was great talking to y'all."

I heard the horn honk and Dallas yelled at me to get back.

I rolled my eyes playfully and looked back at them. "It was great seein' ya again, Brian. Stop by Tulsa some time. We'll catch up."

"I'll try my best. See ya!"

"Bye." I said jogging back to the car.

I hopped in the back and brushed the dust off my pants. "Sorry. Didn't expect to see him today. It was good catching up."

Dallas ignored it. "We're heading back to the church to get your things and we'll head back to Tulsa."

The short drive was silent. I let my hair flow with the breeze and took one last breath before I knew I had to go back and face reality.

We got closer to the church and I heard kids screaming.

We stopped at a distance and Ponyboy stood up. "The church is on fire!" He yelled.

"Fire? Did we leave a cigarette on the floor?" Johnny yelled.

"Must've..." Ponyboy mumbled.

We were all shocked at the siting and sat for a moment. Ponyboy, in a split second, hopped over the door and ran towards the church.

"Ponyboy!" I yelled.

I stood up and watched him run. Johnny followed. Dallas tried to grab Johnny, but missed.

Dallas and I looked at each other for a split second and we both ran after them.

"Ponyboy! Come on!" I yelled as he threw a brick at the wood to get in.

"Johnny!" Dallas yelled.

The two older people were scrambling yelling about the children.

I ran in the church with Dallas behind me.

Ponyboy was loading kids out and Johnny was helping.

I coughed. "Ponyboy, come on."

"There's still kids. We almost got 'em."

I ran back outside and Dallas was waiting for them to get out.

Come on, Ponyboy!

"Dally!" Johnny yelled.

I ran inside. "I'll get Pony, you get Johnny."

It didn't work out that way. I went in a different way and was closer to Johnny than Ponyboy. I ran for him and hoped Dallas would get Pony.

I grabbed Johnny as he was coughing and struggling. I didn't see Ponyboy or Dallas.

"The church is collapsing!" I heard someone yell.

I grabbed Johnny and pushed in the wall. I shoved him outside and the whole place fell. Something hit my head and I was out cold.

Dallas' POV

I knocked the fire off of Ponyboy's jacket with a stick. Knocked him out cold.

I went to help Johnny, but he was weak. I saw the flashing lights and panic ran through me when I saw DJ get out and fall.

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