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School was hard the next day. I felt as if I lived forty lives over the weekend whereas, to everyone else, it was just an average day.

I walked into my fifth hour and this random girl came up to me. "Hey, where's Sodapop? He wasn't in my class last hour."

"Umm... he dropped out."

"Oh! Oh... I'm sorry. Is it 'cause of your parents?"

"Yeah..." I muttered.

I had no idea who this girl was, but she was starting to annoy me. "I'm so sorry. How did they pass?"

I felt myself tense up. This was so recent and I didn't realize people outside of my family and friends knew about it.

"Give her a break." Someone said from behind me.

I could recognize that voice anywhere.

The thick New York accent.


I turned around slightly as she held her books closer to her chest. "She just lost her parents a week ago. Give her a break."

"Sorry, DJ." She said sitting down.

I wasn't sure what I found more abnormal. Dallas sticking up for me or her calling me 'DJ.' To be honest, I think the first time I ever referred to myself as 'DJ' was to that man at the bar.


I looked at the girl and thought back to the guy. I looked at her quickly and Dallas took a seat next to me. "Do you know anyone named Mark?" I asked.

She seemed confused. "My half-brother is named Mark...?" She said awkwardly.

I turned around without saying anything.

It could be anyone, but they had a slight similarity. And that's the only person who would know me as that.

God, I hate small towns.

She's probably already told half the school about it.

That I was at Bucks with Dallas and I was drinking.

I couldn't think about that right now. I looked at Dallas. "Since when do you show up to school?" I asked with a slight grin.

"Have you ever heard the girls saying how Sodapop was the hottest guy here?"

I cocked an eyebrow. "No?"

"Well, they have. Now that he's not here, I gotta claim my spot."

I laughed at his comment. "Good luck with that."

"What? You think I can't do it?"

"No. Just sayin' that people don't talk about it as much as you probably think."

"You're probably just out of the loop."

He had a way with his words. I dunno what it was. It wasn't like what he was saying was funny, but the way he said it made me laugh.

"So why are you letting that girl get to your head?"

"I'm not."

"Yeah, you are. I can see it on your face."

"You can just read my face?"

"I'm actually really good at it. Do you not like when people call ya 'DJ?'"

I sighed. I glanced back and made sure she wasn't listening. I softly started to speak. "I've only ever told one person my name is 'DJ.' It was the guy at the bar. I didn't want anyone to know who I was. And now she comes in and calls me that. She didn't know me before. I was always Sodapop's older sister to her. Before that I was Darry's younger sister. So the guy I told has obviously been talking. And it would only make sense, because he's her half-sister."

"She said he's her half-brother?"

"Well, his name is Mark. And they have a similar face."

"They're just half siblings."

"Meaning they share a parent."

My thoughts were interrupted by the teacher actually starting to teach.

The lecture was long and boring. I hated anything science; so, it was safe to say that anatomy was not my favorite.

The bell rang and we all collected our things.

Dallas stood next to me as I got my stuff together. "I think you need to stop over thinking. The odds of them actually being related are slim."

The girl came up to me. "Also, I told Mark that I'd tell you he's sorry about hitting on someone underage and with a boyfriend."

She smiled at the two of us and I sighed.

"Alright. I stand corrected. Guess people do got stuff to say about it."

"It's just one person. It's fine."

"Don't get your hopes up. Amber's a big gossip."

"Great. As long as Darry doesn't find out, it'll be alright. And he doesn't go here."

He thought for a second. "Mark and Darry played football together."


"Mark and Darry played football together."

"I heard you." I said plainly. "Why did you not mention this anytime before now?"

"It just hit me. Darry was a sophomore and he was a senior here. He's a regular at Bucks. I've heard his whole life story by now."

"And he's mentioned Darry?"

"A while ago, yeah."

"I'm fucked." I said walking out the door.

"Well, DJ, I give you all the luck I got."

"I'm gonna need it..." I muttered. I sighed as Dallas and I were about to go our separate ways. "Dallas!" I called out without thinking.

"What's up, doll?" He said putting his hands in his pockets.

"You doin' anything on Friday?"

"Workin' probably. Why?"

"Would you mind if I stopped by?"

He seemed hesitant. "Even with everything you just figured out you're still down?"

"I mean, no one knows about what happened after the place closed." I muttered. He thought for a moment. "A simple no would work as well."

"Not what I was planning on saying. Just harder to get a read on ya at the moment. I'll see you Friday."

He turned around and I stood there questioning what I actually just did.

All I could think about was mom. For the last hour of the day, mom's word's echoed through my mind.

And the worst part was, I didn't feel a thing.

I didn't care.

I liked what I was doing and that was all that mattered.

I broke my promise to my mom and I definitely had this feeling of betrayal against my brothers. I mean, if Ponyboy found out, he'd be crushed. Darry and Sodapop would be so disappointed.

But unfortunately, I simply did not care.

Which made this ten times worse.

The final bell rang and I started my way home. I decided to take the long way to be alone in my thoughts.

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