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I snapped out of whatever thought bubble I was trapped in as I approached the house. I still feel the same about the situation. I know a bit more about makeup now and if I could do the looks they do, I would. And maybe I could spend a bit more time on my hair. I had super long hair so it was easy to do things with, which most people weren't a fan of, because it's not trending. But I could maybe do something cool. Change my style a bit.

It wouldn't technically break my promise, because I promised not to become one of them.

And sleeping with Dallas wasn't sleeping around. It was with one person. And everyone does it!

I was quite obviously trying to make excuses for myself, but for a good while, I truly and 100% believed it. Not even the first part, but mainly the part about "hooking up." Hooking up is hooking up, even if it's with one person. If only I knew how everything turned out. Looking back, I feel like an idiot for how I thought about people!

I got home and I realized everyone was already there. Including Dal.

"Hey, everyone." I said throwing my stuff to the side.

"How was your first day back since mom and dad died?" Ponyboy asked.

I shrugged. "Just one more week till break."

Honestly the only thing getting me through.

"Hey, DJ." Darry said.

I felt myself tense up. Oh, God.

Think, think, think!

I need an excuse.

"Hi, Darrel."

GOD! That's the best I could do?

"Just wonderin' how your day was." He said plainly. He walked into the kitchen to get his work clothes out of the closet for ironing.

"Uhh... it was good. Why'd you call me-"

I was cut off by Dallas stepping on my foot. I let out a groan and he gave me a look. "He doesn't know anything." He mouthed. "I covered for ya."

I thought for a moment.

"Sorry, DJ. He was askin' about it so I had to tell him."

I was so confused.

He bent down to my ear. Nobody could see us. "Sodapop told him that a girl was callin' ya DJ at school. I told him you weren't comfortable with Donna 'cause it reminded you of your mom."

"Oh..." I drawled silently. "Thank you." I mouthed.

I walked up to Darry. He was still around the corner. "Sorry, Dar. Didn't mean for you to hear from Dallas. I just feel wrong goin' by Donna, ya know? Don't deserve the name."

He looked at me plainly. God, I hoped Dal wasn't messin' with me. Darry had that resting face where you couldn't really understand what he was thinking.

"Don't worry 'bout it, kid." He finally said. "As long as you're okay."

I smiled. "Thanks, Dar."

"No problem. Lucky for you, you get that option. I'm stuck with dad's name."

I saw him crack a grin and I played along with him.

I walked back into the living room and sighed. "Thanks, Dal." I muttered.

"Figured I had more time and a better lie to come up with." He said with a grin.

I couldn't help, but smile at him. There was something about this man. He made my heart skip when he smiled at me. The way he was perfectly built that could make a girl melt in an instant. He could have any girl he wanted if he put in some effort.

What am I saying?

Dallas' POV

I felt bad for the girl, I did. But I know her family and I know her well enough. I couldn't let her take the fall with Darry. I'd probably lose my friends and I wasn't quite sure what he'd do to her.

I wish I could understand what was going on in her head. Why she felt the need to start hooking up with me and why she had to take those drinks from that guy.

I've known her ever since I got down here. Everyone in this group seemed to avoid me like the plague, because I apparently already had a "bad reputation" or however it needs to be said. But she was the one who introduced me to Johnny. Said I "looked like I needed a friend."

October 9, 1962

I felt so stupid. I hated New York, but goddammit, I hated this town even more.

At least I could get in some trouble in New York. Everyone here is a bunch of self entitled rich kids.

I was probably gonna hop town again. Get outta here. It's been a month and I have yet to meet anyone.

"Hi." Someone said.

It was a girls voice. I turned around in my desk and a girl sat behind me. "Hello..." I said more as a question.

"I'm Donna. I've never seen ya around before. I mean, I guess I've seen ya in this class, but otherwise I kinda thought I knew everyone my age."

"I'm new to town." I said vaguely.

"Where ya from?"

"New York."

"Really? Holy crap! That's so cool. I would love to get out of town. My parents can't afford it, though. Never even left Tulsa. What's it like up there?"

I shrugged. "I dunno. Just a big city. With lots of rats and weird people."

She giggled a bit. "Do you wanna come sit with my friend and I? This class can get pretty lonely if you don't know anyone."

It was just a study hall where the teacher let you do whatever. "I'll pass."

"You sure?" She asked. "I promise we aren't gonna bite." She giggled. "His name's Johnny."

"Why do you want me to go sit over with ya so bad?"

She looked at me for a moment as if she was trying to come up with a good answer. "I dunno. I guess you just look like you need a friend."

We made this awkward eye contact for a moment. She was still leaned over the desk behind me and I hadn't moved yet.

"You're not scared of greasers?"

She laughed. "Goodness, no. I'd probably be considered one. All my friends are. Johnny back there is one. You still gotta meet Steve and Two-Bit. And my brothers are pretty cool, as well. You can even head back to my house after. Most of ys stay there after school every day. Even weekends are spent there."

I looked hesitantly over to the kid in the back playing with his fingers. "Alright. Fine."

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