02: Sweet Scent

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The moment Xavier's fangs pierce your skin, all you can think is that it fucking hurts.

Honestly, the sensation can't even be fully described in words. It's sharp, and it stings, and even once you get past the initial pain of his fangs sinking into your flesh, they stay there, buried under the surface, making your neck throb and ache like never before.

Your eyes are shut. You don't dare to open them and catch a glimpse of what's happening. The pain is already more than enough.

Still, you don't even think of pulling away. You chose this, and you need this. God, you need the money so fucking bad.

Xavier holds you close, and you can't help the whimper you let out as you hear him swallowing mouthfuls of your blood. It's not just the pain that's hard to stomach, but the sensation of being slowly drained of the precious liquid that's meant to be keeping you alive.

This is unnatural. Under ordinary circumstances, this would never be happening.

Then again, nothing about your life has ever been ordinary.

You can feel your body swaying a bit, and you're thankful that Xavier is holding onto you so tightly, otherwise you might have already collapsed from light-headedness. Come to think of it, you didn't even ask how much blood you're expected to give. Surely, he'll stop eventually, right? Otherwise...

Otherwise, you might actually die.

Mercifully, Xavier pulls away just as that harrowing thought fills your mind, and you are immediately flooded with relief.

At least, until you take a good look at his face.

There's blood all over his lips. Your blood. It's a deep shade of crimson, and you realize, with a gulp, that you've never actually lost this much blood before, yet now, it's staining the better portion of a stranger's face.

Xavier must have picked up on your frightened expression, because he quickly digs into his pocket and pulls out a napkin, then uses it to wipe his mouth.

"There," he says. "Is that better?"

You nod hastily. You really don't mean to offend him, but seeing something like that for the first time... it's a bit difficult to brush aside.

Xavier stares at you for a few moments. You wonder if he still hasn't had his fill yet, if he wants to go back in for more. The tender spot on your neck throbs painfully at the thought.

But instead, he stands up, adjusts his tie, and nods.

"That'll be all," he says. "Thank you for your cooperation. Please speak to the doctor if you happen to be feeling unwell."

He walks out without another word, and it kind of feels like a slap to the face. What you just did together can't exactly be considered intimate, you suppose, but he still drank your goddamn blood, which as far as you're concerned, is a pretty big deal. To watch him carry on with such nonchalance is a harsh reminder that the two of you are completely different.

Anyways, it's finally over. You actually pulled it off, and even though it hurt like a bitch, you have every intention of doing it again.

So long as you're getting paid, of course.

"How are you feeling?" the doctor asks. He steps in the room shortly after Xavier leaves, then walks over to you and examines the bite mark on your neck. "Just wait a moment. I'll disinfect the area and give you a bandage."

He wipes your neck down, making sure to be as gentle as possible, applies a thin layer of some kind of ointment, then sticks on a cute little flower-shaped bandage.

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