29: It's Okay to be Weak

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Kai can't remember what his real father was like.

He was very young when he passed away, and although he can recall his appearance thanks to picture albums his mother kept, memories they shared together are few and far in between.

Apparently, his father died of sickness. Although vampires are more durable than humans and possess greater regenerative abilities, it doesn't make them immune to maladies or various forms of disease. Ultimately, they are living beings, just like the countless other organisms that inhabit this planet, and death will still claim them at one point or another.

It was only recently that certain laws were passed allowing vampires to enter general society and live among humans, and so, for the better portion of his life, Kai lived in a small, run-down town-the same town where his parents met and fell in love.

In terms of sheer numbers, humans far outweigh vampires. A vampire's anatomy is also slightly different from a human's, which means that human doctors who study human anatomy aren't always fit to operate or treat vampires. And thanks to the fact that Kai grew up in such a small town, where there were scarcely any medical professionals, his father wasn't able to overcome his illness. Or so his mother told him.

Even so, she still didn't want to leave. She refused to move away from her precious hometown, the place of her birth, and where she'd met the love of her life. She stayed for sentimental reasons, not that Kai really minded, because he was young at the time and didn't know any better.

But eventually, she got sick too.

It was a different illness, but it wreaked havoc upon her body all the same. She didn't even realize how truly sick she was. It had been slowly building over the years, but anytime she collapsed from pain, she would simply smile reassuringly and tell him that she was just tired.

During this time, she met another man. Kai's current adoptive father, Craig.

Craig hadn't yet risen to the position of Police Commissioner at the time. He was lower in the ranks, still fairly reputable and respected, but he didn't carry the same authority he does nowadays. Nevertheless, he'd been stationed way out along with a few of his colleagues to patrol these supposed 'lawless' vampire towns and monitor any potential criminal activity.

And it just so happened that Kai was involved in some less-than-savory business back then.


Craig stumbled across him while he was in the middle of making a sale, and suffice to say, the items being sold weren't exactly legal.

Kai still remembers cursing out the other guy who ran away, leaving the product behind for Kai to desperately stuff in his shirt and try to hide. Unfortunately, it was too little, too late, and Craig came up to him, hand poised above his gun.

"What have you got there, kid?" he asked. "You sure looked like you saw a ghost when I came around the corner."

Kai glared at him. "Nothing. And I'm not a kid, asshole. I'm sixteen."

"You do realize you're talking to a police officer, right? You can get in a lot of trouble for that kind of conduct. But sure, I got it. You're not a kid. You're a grown-up, right? Which means you're okay with being charged as an adult and facing the full repercussions of the law?"

"Fuck you," Kai spat. "Dirty pig."

Craig's eyes crinkled in amusement. "Very original. I sure haven't heard that one before. Empty your pockets, big guy. I'd rather not have to use force."

At the time, Kai briefly considered beating the shit out of Craig and running away to hide until the heat died down. Vampires are stronger than humans, after all. Even though he'd never lived among them, he knew that much was an indisputable fact.

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