18: Resignation

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You're so fucking tired of this.

Nothing ever goes your way. The moment you let your guard down and allow yourself to feel somewhat optimistic-like during your date with Xavier earlier-some other shit has to happen and drag you back to cold, bitter reality. You're constantly being reminded that you have no right to hope, or dream, and no matter how hard you try, it all feels pointless in the end.

You can't help but think that it might have been easier if Felix actually killed you.

Speaking of Felix, he looks just about as taken aback as you are, except your expression is gradually turning to somber resignation.

"Karl?" Felix blinks. "What are you trying to say? Just leave her alone. I fucked up big-time... and we already gave her the money. She doesn't need to get involved with us. Can't we pretend like the whole thing never happened?"

The last part of what he just said is incredibly insulting, considering you nearly died tonight, but you get the sense that he's not saying it to avoid culpability. It actually feels like he's trying to spare you for a change, which is weird, because he was willing to break into your apartment earlier just to take what he wanted. Perhaps the guilt has finally gotten to him.

Unfortunately, it's too little, too late.

"Shut up," Karl grits out. "Now that I know what's been happening, I have no choice but to clean up your mess. Honestly, I don't what your father was thinking, letting you come to this city and do as you please. I've never questioned his judgment before, but he should have known better than to leave you to your own devices."

"Didn't he send you to watch over me? Maybe you should have done your job properly. I won't tell my dad about your negligence, so wouldn't it be better for all of us to sweep this under the rug?"

For the first time ever, you find yourself agreeing with Felix. He acted like he would go insane without being able to drink your blood-and to his credit, he pretty much did-but he doesn't seem to be pushing to keep you around anymore. The shock of nearly killing someone was clearly too much for him to stomach.

Maybe, with a bit of convincing on his part, Karl will agree to let you go?

"I'll give back the money," you mumble. "If that's what it takes. I don't care anymore. Just please let me live my life. I have no intention of getting either of you in trouble. I've always been good at keeping to myself and minding my own business. I'll give back the money, and I'm sorry that you had to pay for my blood transfusion. If you want me to cover the cost of that as well, I will. I just really want to leave. I'm begging you."

It's pathetic that you're apologizing to the people responsible for the fact that you nearly died earlier, but even though money means the world to you, you would much rather pay them off and cut ties completely.

But based on the way Karl narrows his eyes at you, he doesn't seem willing to entertain your suggestion.

"Money isn't the issue," he scowls. "It's the fact that you're a massive liability. And I don't blame you. The fault lies with Felix for getting careless and doing such foolish things. But if I let you walk away now and pretend like this never happened, at some point, it could end up screwing us over. That simply isn't an option."

You blink tiredly. To be frank, you're too exhausted to even muster up any more tears. Your bleary eyes flicker towards the blood bag hanging above you, and even though you should probably be used to the sight of blood by now, you cringe at how the dark red fluid drips down through the tube.

It's true that you can't always blame everyone else for your problems, but sometimes, it truly, genuinely isn't your goddamn fault.

This just isn't fair.

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