03: A Tempting Offer

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Once again, Xavier stands before you.

"Hi," you greet, smiling awkwardly. "It's nice to see you again. How are you doing?"

You're not really sure why you keep bothering with the pleasantries, because it'll probably end the same way every time. With him tilting his head at you and furrowing his brows in confusion.

You have to remember that for him, this is purely business. Maybe even less than that, actually.

He's here to sate his appetite, and you are simply a means to an end.

"I'm fine," Xavier replies, still frowning and no doubt wondering why you keep trying to make small talk with him. He then gestures towards one of the chairs. "Are you ready to get started?"

You nod and quickly sit down. Even though you came back here of your own volition, now that he's about to drink your blood again, you can feel how fast your heart is beating in anticipation of the pain.

There's no point in being scared. I need the money. I did it once, so I'm sure I can do it again.

"Whenever you want," you tell him, white-knuckling the armrest of your chair. "I'm ready."

Xavier takes a moment to settle beside you. He seems to be waiting just in case you refuse, and while you appreciate that he won't do anything without your consent, the longer he takes to get started, the more nerve-wracking this whole thing is.

Finally, he bridges the distance, uses an arm to gently hold you in place, and presses his lips against your neck.

Just like last time, it fucking hurts. You can't even pretend otherwise. There's a reason why this program isn't more sought-after. Not only do most humans live in fear of vampires, but the vast majority of people also aren't desperate enough to sell their blood just to make ends meet. It's a scary, painful experience, and it comes at a cost to your health, too.

This program was made deliberately for people like you-the hopeless and rundown.

You almost wonder what the other people who've signed up are like, but you decide it's probably better not to meet them. Nothing good could possibly come of so many sad, pitiful souls gathering together in one place.

Anyways, what were you saying again? Oh, right.

It hurts, it hurts, it hurts.

You tremble in place, doing your utmost not to grit your teeth and tense your muscles too much. The pain is one thing, but the sensation of having your blood drained-feeling it be directly siphoned from your body-is what's truly horrifying. It feels wholly unnatural, and you'll probably never be able to get used to it.

Still, you put on a brave face. You chose this, and right now, it's the only option you have.

But apparently, you're not doing a very good job of being convincing.

Xavier pulls away and frowns. "You look like you're suffering," he remarks. There's some blood on his lips, and you swallow at the sight, trying not to let it unnerve you.

"I'm fine," you reassure. "This is no big deal."

The last thing you want to do is scare him off. You need him to keep coming back. To you, the money you get from this is every bit as vital as the blood flowing through your veins.

Without it, you won't survive.

Xavier narrows his eyes, and you fear that he's starting to become rather annoyed with you. Perhaps he'd prefer someone else. Someone who isn't such a baby and knows how to suffer through the pain without letting it show.

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