14: Followed

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When you step inside your apartment, the first thing you do is shove that stupid teddy bear into the very back of your closet, buried behind clothes so that you can momentarily forget it exists. As if the day wasn't shitty enough already, the fact that things ended on a sour note with Caleb really just hammered it home. You can tell how hard Kai's scumminess hit him, and it's completely understandable. He was forced to spend time with the same guy who broke his nose for no reason, and who decided to humiliate him on top of it all.

You feel immeasurably guilty. None of this would have happened if you hadn't talked back to Kai that day and provoked him. If only you'd bowed your head and played the part of the meek, submissive woman he so clearly wants you to be, then you doubt he would have bothered to come after you like this.

In life, there are consequences to a person's actions, and right now, you are viscerally aware of that fact.

Whatever. I'm so fucking tired.

There's no point in dwelling on it any longer. Caleb is a good person, but you can't fault him for needing some space for himself. With a bit of time, you're hopeful that he'll feel better, but at least for the remainder of the day, you'd like to drown out all the bad thoughts and forget about what happened.

Unfortunately, that's easier said than done.

Your phone buzzes hardly ten seconds after you've sat down in front of the TV, and although you debate ignoring it at first, if it's Caleb, the last thing you want to do is make him feel like you're ghosting him.

It's not Caleb, though. Because of fucking course it isn't.


hey cutie :)

u get home safe?


It's no exaggeration to say that your eyes nearly fall out of your skull with how hard you're rolling them. Like, seriously? You've barely just gotten home and are trying to put this nightmarish day behind you, but he still refuses to leave you the hell alone. Does he have a life? A job? Any actual friends?

Actually, that's a stupid question. The fact that he had to force you and Caleb to spend time with him is proof enough that people can't stand to be around him.

Right now, you're in the comfort of your own home. Granted, it's a shitty, cheap apartment, but you're comforted by the fact that Kai doesn't know where you live, and you'd very much like to keep it that way. He's not here to threaten you using violence, and so, you shrug your shoulders and toss your phone to the side, opting to ignore him.

You probably should have expected that he wouldn't give up.


are u ignoring me?

that's not very nice :(

we had such a nice day together

You openly scoff when you read the part about having a 'nice day'. Kai is an asshole, no question about it, but he can't seriously be that stupid to think that you were actually enjoying yourself. He must be intentionally rubbing salt in your wound.

Resolved to fully ignore him, you silence your phone so that you don't have to hear it keep buzzing. However, putting the issue to the back of your mind proves to be a lot more difficult than you'd expected, and you keep checking your phone, even though you know you won't like what you see. It's like watching a grotesque scene in a horror movie, where you just can't seem to look away. Even though you don't want to know what he's saying, you physically can't stop yourself from reading all of the shitty messages he sends you.

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