17: No Freedom in Sight

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Felix holds your limp body in his arms, and with every second that passes, he can feel himself becoming more and more panicked.

You aren't breathing. Your skin, rather than being its usual shade, has accrued a sickly, phantom-like tint that makes the veins beneath the surface unusually prominent. He tries to shake you, gently, but you don't react. You don't even show any sign that you register his presence. You're out cold.

In fact, you might even be dead.

"N-No way."

Felix takes a shaky breath. The reality of the situation is finally dawning on him, and it feels like he just crashed headfirst into an ice-cold wave.

He didn't mean to go this far. He really, really didn't. It's impossible that he actually fucked up this badly, right? He got carried away and took too much of your blood-again-but surely it won't be fatal.


"[Name], please," Felix gasps. He carefully pats your cheeks to try and rouse you, but no matter what he says or does, your eyes refuse to open.

Oh, fuck.

All of a sudden, he feels like he's about to throw up. It's ironic how just a few moments ago, he was happily gorging himself on your blood, without so much as a care in the world. He was lost in his own little paradise, convinced that this was the happiest he could ever be.

But now he's gone and fucked it all up. He even promised himself he'd show some restraint this time and prove to you that he's not such a bad guy. He had all these plans for repairing your relationship and eventually getting you to trust him again...

And yet, he may have single-handedly ended your life.

Tears start spilling down his cheeks. He holds you close to his chest and sobs, lamenting his recklessness and irresponsibility. Even looking back on it, what the fuck was going through his head? He hired someone to track you down, to discern the most personal aspects of your life, just to sate his desire for your blood. He broke into your house, probably scaring you beyond belief, just so that he could selfishly take what he wanted-and in the process of doing so, he might have actually killed you.

Felix is disgusted with himself. He never could have imagined committing such heinous acts. He's finally coming to terms with just how horrible his behavior has been, and a shiver rips down his spine when he realizes that right now, he's no better than his shitty father.

The whole reason he left home and moved to the city was to get away from that kind of environment. He wanted nothing to do with those lowlives, those fucking criminals, but ironically enough, he's become a criminal in his own right.

All his life, he's been spoiled. He can admit to that now. And while he can't say he was ever intentionally cruel to others, without even realizing it, he's turned into the kind of person who does anything to get what he wants, even at someone else's expense.

It may very well be too late to right his wrongs. The more his tears fall, the heavier you feel in his arms, like a lump of lead sinking to the bottom of the sea. You had your whole life ahead of you, and he... just for a few brief moments of euphoria, he took that from you.

He's an absolute fucking scumbag.

Felix whimpers and hastily wipes a sleeve across his damp eyes. No. It's too early to give up. He can't let you die here. Not only would it mean becoming a murderer, but he can't allow something so horrible to happen to you. He refuses to be the cause of your demise.

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