11: Impending Danger

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It's been a pretty shitty day. As if washing dishes for hours on end wasn't bad enough, you just had to run into Kai. His cocky face, coupled with his scummy behavior, made your mood plummet faster than you could even blink. Your shift is over now, but you can't help but feel apprehensive as you step out of the building, worried that he's still lurking around somewhere. You certainly wouldn't put it past him.

As it turns out, though, Kai isn't the one waiting for you.

Caleb is.

"[Name]!" he grins. You blink in confusion, since you weren't expecting to see him today. You thought he wasn't scheduled to work.

"Did you get called in to cover for someone?" you frown. "I didn't think you were working today."

"Nah. I went out to buy some things," he says, lifting up a grocery bag, then flashing you yet another grin. "And since I was in the area, I figured I'd stop by to see you after your shift was over."

You're always happy to see him, but before you reply, you furiously glance around for the umpteenth time, just to be sure that Kai isn't still around.

The last thing Caleb needs right now is to run into that prick again.

"Uh, is everything okay?" Caleb asks, frowning a bit. "You look a bit jumpy. Did something happen at work?"

Leave it to him to pick up on your discomfort. Well, you suppose you weren't being terribly subtle in the first place, but whatever. He doesn't need to know that you ran into that douchebag. He'll just get worried, especially since you basically picked a fight with Kai. You should count your lucky blessings just to have gotten away in one piece.

You shake your head. "It's nothing. Thanks for stopping by. I'm glad I got to see you today. You went shopping, so are you headed home now?"

"I was gonna walk with you for a bit, then head back, yeah," Caleb nods. He pauses for a moment. "Um... actually, my house is nearby, so if you aren't too busy... did you want to stop by for a bit and hang out?"

You blink.

He's inviting me over?

How long has it been since you went over to someone's house? The last instance you can recall is when you met up with Felix, and that was certainly not for fun. You honestly can't remember the last time someone invited you to hang out. It's a shitty thing to admit to yourself, the fact that you've had virtually no friends for as long as you can remember.

But things are different now. You have Caleb, after all, and Elliot too. Two friends might not sound like much to most people, but for someone like you, it means more than you can even express.

Besides, when it comes to friends, it's supposed to be quality over quantity, and you certainly feel like you've struck gold with these two.

Even now, you're still not really sure what you bring to the table, or why they even want to spend time with you, but you'll do your best to cherish them. You'll prove that you're a friend worth having.

"Sure," you smile. "I'm not working another job today, so I can hang out for a while."

Caleb's cheeks redden. "R-Really? I mean, awesome! I'm glad you've got some time to spare. I bought a bunch of snacks, so we can pig out back home. I also have consoles if you want to play games. You liked some of the ones we played at the arcade, right? Like Mario Kart."

You remember doing an atrocious job at virtually every game you played back then, but Caleb is babbling on all excitedly, and you have no intention of dashing his spirits. It's also good that he can still talk about the arcade trip fondly, despite how it ended.

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