20: All He Needs

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"Caleb, I really don't need any flowers. I appreciate it, but you've already helped me enough."

"It's not a big deal, so let's just pick some out," he insists. "Your friend must have some recommendations, right? Do you have time to help us, Elliot? Or are you too busy?"

Elliot finally sets the potted plant down, placing it on one of the displays by the storefront where it can be clearly seen. He turns towards the two of you, and even though he planned on keeping his expression as neutral as possible, he can't seem to stop himself from scowling.

"I can help," he nods, albeit reluctantly. It's mainly because he doesn't want to let either of you out of his sight. He almost never helps customers since he has a tendency to scare them away, so he might get in trouble with his boss for this, but he honestly doesn't really care.

Right now, he needs to know exactly what kind of relationship you and Caleb have.

"Come inside," Elliot gestures. The chimes above the door jingle as he opens it, and one of his coworkers walks up to the front, ready to greet their customers with a big smile.

Unsurprisingly, his fellow employee looks taken aback to see that Elliot is already with them.

"They asked me to help," Elliot says. "One of them is my friend, and they'd like to have a look around the shop."

"Ah... I see."

His coworker makes no attempt to hide his disapproval, but thankfully, leaves without further commentary.

"This place smells so nice," Caleb remarks aloud. He smiles brightly as he glances around all around the store. "The way it's decorated is really cool too. I like the atmosphere. It looks like a chill place to work."

Elliot blinks dully. Sure. Maybe if he wasn't a vampire, constantly being discriminated against and treated like some kind of monster. If not for the way he was born, perhaps he too could enjoy casual conversations with his coworkers, rather than having them avoid him and gossip behind his back.

Caleb doesn't know it, but what was intended as a trivial, good-spirited remark on his part has made Elliot's anger flare in a way he didn't even know was possible. Already, he's made up his mind.

He really doesn't like this guy.

"Are the flowers for any special kind of occasion?" Elliot asks, still guiding both of you through the store. He's pretending to be a helpful employee, while simultaneously trying to gauge what's going on between you and Caleb.

"Not really," Caleb replies. "I just wanted to get [Name] something nice, because she deserves it."

You look away, visibly flustered, but Elliot notices a small smile tugging at your lips.

The sight makes him nauseous.

"Sorry for springing this on you, Elliot," you add, making an apologetic face. "I hope we're not being an inconvenience. If we're taking up your time, we can leave."

He shakes his head. "You're customers just like everyone else. And you're my friend. Of course I'd be willing to help. Don't worry about it."

"Ooh, those look good!" Caleb grins, pointing around haphazardly. "[Name], do you like them? I feel like they'd suit you."

You stop to take a look, then immediately reel back. "Too expensive," you protest. "No way am I letting you buy that for me."

"Aw, come on. I already said I wanted to get you a little gift, didn't I?"

She's in debt, you asshole, Elliot grimaces internally. And she feels guilty relying on others for money.

He's not sure if Caleb knows about your financial situation, but judging from how laidback and carefree he is, he probably doesn't. Otherwise he probably wouldn't keep insisting to buy you something after all the times you've already refused.

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