09: Frightened

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"Well... I guess I should be going now," Elliot says. He looks around, just to make sure Johnny isn't still loitering in the area. "It's late, and you must be tired, especially after all of that. Try to get some rest."

You purse your lips. Right. It is late, and there's no doubt that you're exhausted. You were worn-out well before Johnny even showed up. Drinking until the point of passing out tends to have that effect on people.

But despite your fatigue, you still don't say goodnight.

Instead, you step closer to Elliot and timidly grab him by his sleeve.

"Um," you mumble, a bit embarrassed. "You might not even be up for it right now... but if you wanted to, I wouldn't mind giving you some of my blood. Before you leave for the night."

Within scarcely a few seconds, Elliot's cheeks are bright red.

"R-Right now?" he affirms, unable to believe what he's hearing. "Um. I-I definitely want to, but are you sure you're feeling okay? You shouldn't push yourself. A lot has happened tonight..."

"I know. But it's fine. And besides," you add, chuckling weakly, "having an extra bit of money on hand would definitely help. I never know what that asshole will pull next. He might swing by again completely unexpectedly."

Elliot gulps. Of course, he already knew that he would be drinking your blood eventually, but for it to be happening right now...

He's so nervous he doesn't even know what to do with himself.

"Come on," you gesture, grabbing him by the hand. You smile as you lead him towards the building. "We can't exactly do this outside, after all."

Elliot gulps yet again.

You pull him into the building, completely unaware that he's in the middle of a strenuous mental battle with none other than himself. You pull out the keys to your apartment, briefly pause because you know your living situation isn't exactly something to be proud of, and after taking a deep breath, you unlock the door.

"Go ahead. Make yourself at home. I apologize in advance for how cramped the place is."

Elliot hesitantly steps inside. Granted, the apartment is small. Teeny-tiny, as a matter of fact. But he's hardly the type to mock another person's financial situation, especially not now that he knows what you're dealing with.

It must be hard. Every single day must be torture for you. The fact that after pushing yourself relentlessly, time and time again, a place like this is all you're able to afford...

Truly, it breaks his heart.

You take off your coat and hang it up, then stretch your arms and let out a sigh. "Man. It's nice to be home. Even if it's a little shithole like this."

"You've made it look nice," Elliot insists. "The way you've decorated it, I mean. You've made it your own."

"Is that so?" you muse.

"Yes," he nods. After a few moments, he blushes. "Oh, um... sorry. I hope that didn't come across as patronizing. I really meant what I said."

"Haha. I know, don't worry. You don't seem like the type to make fun of others." You throw your bag off to the side, then sit down on the couch and pat the spot next to you. "Come sit," you offer. "Is it okay with you if we do it here? If not, I can try to find someplace else."

"Do it?" Elliot blinks. He's confused at first, but then realization flashes through his eyes. "O-Oh! You mean, while I... y-yes. Here's fine. It's great."

He sits down abruptly, and based on how he can hardly bear to look you in the eye, you get the sense that he must be feeling awfully nervous.

A smile rises to your lips. How adorable. Normally, the person getting their blood sucked should be the nervous one, but here, the roles have been reversed. He must not have ever done this before. You suppose you'll be his first. Erm, not in a dirty way, though.

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