24: Losing Control

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"I think we'll have to push the project deadline back. As of now, we're nowhere near finishing, and I would rather we deliver a proper, finalized product, rather than throwing something together at the last minute. I'll communicate all of this with the client, so don't worry. I'll get you all the extra time you need. Be sure to make good use of it."

Everyone sitting around the table audibly exhales, and Xavier resists the urge to shake his head.

Really, if the client's deadline was so unreasonable, they should have spoken to him about it from the very start. It would have been a hell of a lot easier to negotiate at the beginning, instead of him now having to backtrack and fix the issue retroactively. He's been managing this team for a while now, but it looks like they're still afraid to tell him anything.

Of course, the root of the problem is obvious, and Xavier would be a fool not to acknowledge it.

It's because he's a vampire. The vast majority of his colleagues are humans, and naturally, they refuse to let their guards down around him. Even though this is a professional business environment, he can tell that they constantly live in fear that he might one day lose control and decide to massacre all of them. A truly ridiculous notion, all things considered, because even vampires aren't above the law, but they cling to this morbid theory nevertheless.

To a certain degree, Xavier can understand their apprehension. It's normal to fear those who are naturally more powerful, but shouldn't that same logic apply, even among humans? Some humans are certainly stronger than others. Some humans even carry weapons and use those weapons to commit crimes. Ultimately, if someone wants to do bad, they will always have the means to do it. Even a seemingly harmless child is capable of murder. There have even been cases of middle-school-aged kids killing their own parents.

For the most part, the world is a vile, disgusting place. That's just the bitter truth. Xavier knows it, and so does everyone else. It doesn't seem entirely fair for others to avoid him just because he could commit a crime, because really, the same goes for virtually any other person.

Still, he doesn't let it bother him too much. The effect that fear has on people is undeniable, and while it's unfortunate that most can't see past their prejudice, it's just the way of the world. Besides, he could honestly care less about others' opinions. That's the kind of person he's been all his life.

Right now, the only one he actually cares about is you.

Xavier feels a connection to you, quite possibly stronger than he's ever felt before. The only person that ever came close was that kind-hearted man who often shared his blood with him back when Xavier was a child. Xavier felt a great deal of affection for that man, and he was genuinely heartbroken when he passed away, but even so, it was an entirely different feeling than what he feels for you.

What he feels for you is more than just platonic. It's obvious from how wildly his heart beats when he lays eyes on you, or how uncharacteristically flustered he gets just by being around you.

Xavier has always been described as a smart, unflappable man, but in your presence, he feels like nothing short of a fool.

The kind man's name was Albert, and Xavier had gotten into the habit of referring to him as 'Mr. Albert'. Looking back on it, he truly did love Mr. Albert. Xavier's own family had always been rather cold, distant, and standoffish-which is likely why he adopted the same qualities-and so, Mr. Albert was like the parent he'd always wished he could have. He treated Xavier warmly, with patience and kindness, the way every child ought to be treated. Mr. Albert didn't fear vampires, and made sure to remind Xavier every single day that he had nothing to be ashamed of. He told him that he shouldn't listen to the cruel things others say, and instead, should have faith in himself.

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