Special Chapter: Character Profiles & Mini Interview

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Zodiac sign: Capricorn

MBTI type: INFJ (advocate)

- Has a very strained relationship with his parents, which is another reason he moved away from his hometown, not just because of his job promotion

- Struggles to form connections with others and can't recall having ever considered someone a genuine friend

- He'll probably never admit to it, but he really enjoys watching cheesy romcoms. He finds them entertaining, and they help him feel a little less lonely at times

- There have been several instances where he's been approached by people who were interested in having a romantic relationship with him, but he rejected all of them because he didn't reciprocate their feelings. He finds it disingenuous to try dating someone without liking them from the start

- Is drawn to kindness, which is one of the reasons he feels so strongly about you. He only wishes he could make your life easier

- He is still heartbroken after being rejected by you, but he's resolved not to give up, and he hopes that one day, you'll open up your heart to him

Quote: "You want to learn more about me? Well... I suppose that's alright."


Zodiac sign: Sagittarius

MBTI type: ESFP (entertainer)

- Comes from a family of gangsters, and has witnessed some rather horrifying things ever since he was a young child

- Since his father always spoiled him and had plenty of money to go around, he unknowingly became very selfish, and he has since realized that he's willing to go to horrifying lengths to get what he wants

- For whatever reason, most blood tastes foul to him. He's always been incredibly picky, which was why he developed such a fixation on you after the scent of your blood first caught his attention

- His strength is well above average, even by a vampire's standards, and he enjoys playing sports. He played a lot of sports recreationally with some former friends before he moved away to the city by himself

- Has only ever had brief flings, never any serious relationships. He's also well aware that most people find him attractive

- Right now, he is filled with immeasurable regret, the kind that's impossible to even describe. He started off by becoming obsessed with the taste of your blood and the immense satisfaction it brought him, but now he is motivated by making amends to you and getting you out of this horrible situation. Either way, he is still fixated on you to an unnatural degree

Quote: "Sure, I'd be happy to answer your questions! But, uh, you're not gonna quiz me on anything complicated, right? To be honest, I'm not that smart."


Zodiac sign: Pisces

MBTI type: ISFJ (defender)

- He's always been excessively shy, ever since he was young, but he made the leap to move to a human-dominated city for the sake of having a fresh start and stepping out of his comfort zone. Part of it was curiosity too, since he'd heard so much about humans but had never actually interacted with them

- Before, he would've said he regrets moving to this city, but the fact that he got to meet you makes everything worth it, and besides, he finds himself caring less and less what everyone else thinks

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