04: Complications

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"I'll have a large caramel macchiato, with light ice, soy milk, extra whipped cream, and can you please use one of the big straws? The small ones are a real pain in the ass. I asked for a big straw last time and they still didn't give it to me, so make sure you get it right this time."

You're tempted to roll your eyes at her, but she seems like the type to complain to your manager. Getting fired isn't an option right now. Not until you finish paying Johnny back, at least.

"Of course," you say, offering a fake, sickeningly sweet smile. "I'll get that started for you right away."

She narrows her eyes at you, no doubt assuming that you'll manage to fuck it up somehow. Being a barista isn't all that bad in and of itself, but it's dealing with annoying ass customers that really makes for a tedious experience. Well, as long as you're getting paid, you can put up with pretty much anything. Hence the fact that you're selling your own blood.

You whip up the woman's order, get briefly bitched at because you apparently took 'too long', and when she finally walks out of the store, you sneakily flip up your middle finger.

Interactions like these are pretty standard in the service industry.

You're working the closing shift, which means it's late, and thankfully, not very many people are still coming in. You spend most of your time wiping the counters down and preparing to close up shop.

Just one more minute. Only one more minute, and then you can lock the doors, flip the closed sign over, and you're finally home free.

You're excited to go home and get some sleep. You've been running on fumes these past few days, even more so than usual. Having less blood in your body than normal isn't exactly doing wonders for your physical wellbeing.

But because your luck is nonexistent, of course, of fucking course a customer decides to walk in at the very last moment.

You grit your teeth. People like this are the absolute worst. They know not the meaning of shame.

A young man has just stepped inside. He's got soft, delicate features, and a somewhat distraught look in his eyes. He seems awfully skittish for some reason. Which is dumb, because if anyone ought to be unnerved right now, it's you, the person whose shift just got extended.

"Um," he calls out shakily. "You're still open... right?"

You have half a mind to turn him away, but since he looks pretty upset, you don't want to be the one to ruin his day even more.

"We're still open for a little bit longer," you concede. "Just tell me your order and I'll make it as fast as I can."

He exhales in relief. "Oh, th-thank you! I really appreciate it. Sorry for coming in so late. The other coffee shop I tried turned me away, so I had to go somewhere else..."

Turned him away? That doesn't exactly sound like something that would be allowed. Turned him away on the basis of what, exactly? Poor behavior?

"Did you do something to offend the people working there?" you can't help but frown, curious despite it not being any of your business.

He lowers his gaze to the ground. "I... guess you could say that. I made people uncomfortable just by being there. They told me I was scaring away all their customers. Even though I made sure to go in late, when not many people were around..."

He seems to be making a conscious effort not to move his mouth much as he speaks, but even so, for just a brief moment, you happen to spot them. His fangs.

Ah. He's a vampire.

You frown. Having already met two vampires and allowed them to drink your blood, it goes without saying that the novelty has kind of worn off. Still, not long ago, you might have been in the same boat as those other people, living in perpetual fear of vampires because you didn't know any better.

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