10: Predator and Prey

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Xavier must have remarkable patience, because it feels like you've been sobbing for an eternity, yet still, he makes no motion to push you away.

It's only after you've sucked all your tears back in and sniffled pitifully that you finally loosen your grip on his shirt, and you step back, viscerally self-conscious of how much of a mess your face must be.

"I'm sorry," you swallow. The embarrassment is slowly setting in. "I... I don't know what came over me. But it felt good to get it all out. Thank you, and again, I'm sorry. I hope I wasn't too much of a bother."

Xavier shakes his head. "Like I said before, you have no reason to apologize. I'm surprised you still met up with me, considering what happened earlier. I wouldn't have blamed you if you decided to go home after the fact."

"The staff suggested I do that, but I didn't want to let you down. It wouldn't have been fair to you, since you've taken the time to be here, and I'm sure you've got other things going on."

Xavier's eyes widen slightly. He can't believe that you went to such lengths just for him, someone you hardly know outside of your contract. He feels bad about unintentionally pressuring you to show up, but at the same time, it makes him a bit happy.

Knowing that you were thinking of him, that is.

"I really appreciate you making the effort," he says. A faint smile graces his lips, and he gestures towards the chairs. "Come on. Let's sit down. But we don't need to get started right away. Take all the time you need to compose yourself."

"Thanks, but I'm ready. I've been crying my heart out plenty until now." You sit down first, assuming your usual position, and you start rolling down the top of your shirt so that your neck is exposed.

Xavier usually looks away when you do this. He's not entirely sure why, because it's not like you're undressing or anything, but the act of staring while you reveal more of your skin seems perverted, somehow. It reflects much better on him if he gives you space while you do it.

But this time, he can't seem to look away.

As you're shimmying the fabric down, he spots it. A little bandage with a cute imprint of some cartoon character he doesn't recognize. It's not unordinary for you to have a bandage on your neck. You are regularly giving your blood away, after all.

And yet, it's strange. Because it's been quite some time since you've met up with him, and he's certain that by now, your bite mark would have healed. He also doesn't remember biting that part of your neck.

He's not the one that bit you.

It was someone else.

Xavier sits down next to you, but he can't seem to keep his eyes off that needlessly cute bandage. You've never shown up with a bandage like that before, and he's quite certain that the ones the doctors give you are plain, like the type they carry in hospitals.

He shouldn't ask. He really, really shouldn't ask. It's none of his business, and besides, you're already shaken up enough as it is. The polite thing to do would be to look the other way and think nothing of it.

Xavier knows all of this, but for some reason, he still can't stop himself.

"That bandage," he says, and all of a sudden, his throat feels dry. "What... happened? I thought you said you dropped that other vampire as your client. The one that was harassing you earlier."

"Huh? Oh."

You pat your neck, and it's clear based on the look in your eyes that you must've forgotten you even had it.

Love Bite | Yandere!Vampires x F!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now