05: Rejected

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Your eyes open to an unfamiliar ceiling.

It takes you a while to make sense of the situation. Your body feels like absolute shit, and your head is throbbing relentlessly, as if your brain's been rattled around inside your skull.

"You're awake," someone says. It isn't a voice you've ever heard before, and as you slowly crane your neck to the side, you see a middle-aged man, a doctor, leaning closer to you.

Then you remember. You fainted while in the middle of work, and the reason your head hurts so bad is because you whacked it against the floor.

"Hello, [Name]. You passed out," the doctor says, stating the obvious. "And you're severely anemic. Have you been losing a noticeable amount of blood recently? Blood in your stool, or when you vomit, or perhaps related to your menstrual cycle?"

"I donated blood," you decide upon. You're not entirely sure why you don't tell him the full truth. That you've in fact been regularly selling your blood to vampires. Perhaps you're worried about how he might react, and you're afraid he'll try to write a medical note prohibiting you from visiting Plasma Inc. for a long time.

He frowns. "Hm. Well, depending on the person, donating even small amounts of blood can sometimes result in anemia. Still, I'd be careful if I were you. Your condition seems fairly serious, so please wait a little while to recover before donating any more."

You nod absently. Just your luck. This is all shitty Felix's fault. Because he lost control of himself and ended up drinking too much of your blood. Well, you've learned your lesson. From now on, you'll stick to giving blood away in a safe, medical environment, even if it's not going to result in double the amount of money.

"I'd like to give you an iron transfusion," the doctor says. "Just to get you kick-started towards recovery."

You furiously shake your head. "I don't have insurance. Actually, how much is this visit going to be? Is it going to be expensive? Because you really could have just left me there. I think my coworker was just overly worried."

"You collapsed and banged your head on the ground," he frowns. "Head trauma is a serious matter. Thankfully, you don't seem to have any noticeable damage, but while we're at it, I'd still like to ask you a few questions just to make sure you don't have a concussion."

He goes through the motions, and even though your head hurts, it's likely just a bump that will fade in a couple days.

After confirming that you are, in fact, not concussed, the doctor brings you a little plastic cup.

"Drink this, at least," he says. "It's an iron-rich solution. If you can't pay for the transfusion, then have this, and I can at least recommend you some supplements to start taking. But even so, it might still take a while for your body to recover, which is why I suggest being careful and making necessary adjustments to your diet."

You drink the solution down, and you shudder as the metallic taste collects upon your tongue. Even though you're not a vampire, you've tasted blood before, either when you split your lip open or thoughtlessly licked a papercut. The iron in your blood gives it that distinct, unpleasant metallic taste, and you briefly wonder how vampires find it so appetizing. There must be something about their bodies that changes how it tastes to them.

The doctor examines you one last time, hands you a paper with all the various supplements he recommends you start taking, then you settle the bill at the reception.

Ugh. I can't believe just a short visit like this costs so much. And I'd finally saved up a bit of money for once...

You feel discouraged. You've lived without insurance mainly because you couldn't afford it, and because if nothing else, your body was sturdy enough that you could get by without it. But life always finds a way to fuck you over. Just as you felt a bit of relief from knowing that you had some cash on hand, it practically all disappeared, in the blink of an eye.

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