32: New Perspective

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"I have some concerns about one of your company's clients. Xavier."

The receptionist gives him a puzzled look. Perhaps she doesn't know who he's referring to. She's probably not familiar with everyone's files or whatever. It looks like he'll have to be more specific.

"The blood donation program," Elliot continues. "There's a vampire named Xavier that's currently enrolled in that program. And I know the human he's been paired up with. He's been acting inappropriately towards her. He clearly hasn't been adhering to the rules of the program and respecting her boundaries. I don't think it's safe to allow them to continue meeting, and I suggest you look into him in more detail."

The receptionist looks equally as confused as she was just a few seconds ago, but after letting his words sink in, she finally manages to collect herself and clear her throat.

"Pardon me, sir, but I'm not at liberty to discuss any of our clients or donors. Rest assured that before we accept anyone into the program, we conduct thorough background checks, including a criminal record check, to ensure that this is a safe environment for everyone involved. If you have found evidence of a crime being committed, you need to report this to the police instead."

Elliot grits his teeth. "I'm not saying he's committed a crime, I'm just saying I'm worried he might take things too far. I don't think it's safe for a client and donor to continue meeting like this when he knows so much about her. I think it could get dangerous. Isn't it your responsibility to ensure the safety of the donors, first and foremost? Humans are way more vulnerable than vampires. There's no telling what could happen."

"I'm sorry, sir, but like I said, I can't confirm or deny your claims at this moment. We take this program very seriously, and we would never allow someone to put another person's safety at risk. If you have any evidence to support your statement, the best you can do is report it to the police, so that they can build a case."

What the hell is wrong with these people?

Elliot stares at the receptionist, wide-eyed and incredulous. Does she really not care what happens to you? Does she think so little of your life that she's willing to gamble with it like this? Xavier is a scumbag. He acts the part of a perfect gentleman, all poised and seemingly without flaws, but Elliot can see through his facade. It's all fake. Every single part of him is so disgustingly fabricated, and worse yet-he's deluded you into thinking that he's genuine.

Elliot loves you. Which is why it goes without saying that it's his responsibility to look out for you. Even if the threat may very well be unseen in your eyes, the fact remains that it's there. You're so kind and forgiving that you might unwittingly place yourself in danger. He can't afford to leave it up to chance. He can't afford to let anything happen to you.

He just can't.

"That man is vile to the core," Elliot hisses, leaning over the counter and making the receptionist take a hurried step backwards. "I'm not saying this lightly. If you don't want your company to be liable for a crime in the making, I suggest you take this seriously and remove him from the program. Otherwise, I promise you'll regret it."

It's only for a moment, but he briefly imagines using force to get his message across. It would probably be pretty cathartic, too. Getting back at the hateful humans who've done nothing but torment him all this time. He's past the point of caring anymore since he has you now, but when he remembers just how much grief they caused him, just how many times he felt like breaking down into tears when he saw the disgust in their eyes...

Why should he bother holding back?

The receptionist swallows uncomfortably, knuckles turning white from how tightly she's gripping the counter. Elliot can see it clear as day in her eyes. The same emotion he's seen more times than he can even count. Fear.

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