13: The Happiest Day

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"Well, here we are," Kai chuckles. "Back to the place we first met. Brings back memories, doesn't it?"

You grit your teeth and swallow the venomous words you so badly want to voice. This situation is so fucking absurd that, if not for the fact that you're basically being held hostage right now, you might have even laughed.

Kai brought the two of you back to the arcade, and as you glance in Caleb's direction, you can tell that this is triggering some dark, unpleasant feelings. Although, you suppose that's exactly what Kai intended.

God, he's such a piece of shit.

"Let's head inside," Kai beams, keeping one arm wrapped around your shoulder, and the other around Caleb's. At first glance, some could even assume that the three of you are on friendly terms, but your terrified expression is a dead giveaway that you're not having a good time.

Kai continues pulling both of you along, and some of the arcade customers instinctively gulp at the sight of him. You already knew from last time that he's made a name for himself, and regardless of what ends up happening here, you doubt anyone will come to your rescue. They're all scared out of their goddamn minds.

Caleb keeps stealing glances at you whenever he can, most likely to make sure that you're doing alright (you're not), and you can also see that his eyes are tinged with shame. Even without him saying it, you know that he must be blaming himself for this situation. He must feel responsible somehow, because he wasn't able to deter Kai and protect you.

You don't have the guts to tell him that this is all your fault.

"Look alive, people." Kai lightly slaps you on the cheek, just hard enough to make you squeeze your eyes shut. He grins shamelessly, fangs on full display. "We're here to have a good time, aren't we? Go ahead, [Name]. You can pick out what we play first."

You resist the urge to spit in his face-that would undoubtedly get you killed-and instead, you cast a wary look towards the collection of arcade machines.

"I don't know," you admit with a resigned shrug. "I'm not good at games. I'm gonna suck either way, so they're all the same to me."

Kai frowns. "That's a loser's mindset. And how can you suck at games? They're literally meant to be played for fun."

"Different people have different things they're good at, I guess."

Like how you're especially good at being a prick.

No matter how many vicious insults you want to direct his way, you bite your tongue and do your best to retain your composure. The most you can hope for right now is that if you wait it out, Kai will get bored soon enough and leave you two alone.

"Man. Is it just me, or is she kind of uptight?" Kai chuckles, playfully elbowing Caleb in the ribs.

"She's not," Caleb glares. "And we had plans to hang out alone before you showed up and threatened us. Aren't you embarrassed to be acting like this at your age? You're clearly an adult."

"[Name]," Kai fake-whines, and much to your disgust, he proceeds to cling to you and press his cheek against yours. "Tell your boyfriend to stop being so moody. He's kind of hurting my feelings, you know."

Anger flashes through Caleb's eyes. "Let go of-"

"Seriously, this shit again? I thought I already told you to watch your mouth and back off." Kai keeps you locked in his grip, but his smile momentarily disappears, and his expression darkens. "Don't tell me what to fucking do. I'm trying to play nice, so unless you're a total moron, don't give me a reason to ruin your girlfriend's pretty face."

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