15: Helpless Little Thing

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"Huh? Where's Caleb?"

You blink in confusion. When you last checked the work schedule, he was supposed to have the same shift as you today, and yet, you find yourself staring at a different coworker instead.

"He asked me to swap shifts with him," your coworker shrugs. "I guess he wasn't feeling well or something. Maybe he's sick."

"Oh... alright."

It's hard to mask your disappointment. One of the very few benefits of working a shitty dishwashing job is the fact that you get to spend time with your friend. You haven't even heard from Caleb ever since Kai dragged you both to the arcade that day. He hasn't been responding to any of your texts, and now you find out that he's even swapped shifts with someone else.

He's not avoiding you... is he?

You stare at the pile of dirty dishes in front of you, feeling increasingly upset. Granted, you can understand why Kai must have put him off so much. You doubt anyone would have been okay spending time with the same person who broke their nose. But you didn't expect him to be so frustrated with you too.

Perhaps, instinctively, he knows that you're to blame for all of this. He must have a nagging suspicion that Kai only decided to harass him because you did something stupid. And if that's true, it means he might already resent you for it.

I just started getting closer to him... and I've already fucked it up, huh?

You bite down on your lip and swallow your tears. No, it's better not to jump to any conclusions. Everything that happened with Kai must just have taken a toll on him. He probably needs more time to unwind. You'll give him space, and if after a while, he still wants nothing to do with you, you'll have no choice but to accept his decision.

Staying optimistic has never been easy for you, but you're doing your damn best not to constantly assume the worst. Life goes on, and there's no point in dwelling on something when you don't even know all the facts.

Still, time passes by painfully slow, especially since you don't have Caleb here to joke around with and distract yourself. You're hardly acquainted with your other coworker, and your conversations (if you can even call them that) are purely to do with delegating tasks, like whose turn it is to mop the floor next.

It feels like an eternity has gone by before you're finally done with your shift, but when you check your phone, you feel the opposite of relieved.


hey babe

are u working today?

i'm about to swing by the restaurant

let's go on a date

You would very much rather not do that, which is why you scurry out of the restaurant through the back door, making every attempt to leave without being spotted.

It doesn't work.

"Haha! I knew you would try to run away."

Kai greets you with open arms, and although you splutter out in protest, he pulls you into a hug before you can take another step.

"So cute," he muses, flashing you a fang-toothed grin. "I actually got here a little bit earlier and already asked if you were working a shift. I knew it was about time for you to be done, but I was curious to see if you'd ghost me or not."

Your shoulders begin to tremble uncontrollably. Is he fucking serious right now? Surely there are limits to how shameless a person can be. This cannot be happening again.

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