08: A New Contract

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"You look like you've been having a fun night," Johnny remarks. As always, he's got a sadistic glint in his eye. "I didn't realize you had so much time to spare fooling around with men. I was under the impression that you were busy working to pay me back."

Your throat clenches uncomfortably. God, why is this happening? Even taking into account your drunken blackout, you'd actually been having a good time for a change. Spending time with Elliot is fun. You feel at ease around him. You feel like you can let your guard down and allow yourself to actually breathe.

But nothing is ever allowed to go right in your life, which is why Johnny chose the perfect time to crush your spirits.

"He's my friend," you say, trying to keep your voice steady. "I'm just trying to go home and get some sleep. Please."

Johnny scratches his cheek. "Well, originally, I just happened to be in the area, but now that I've stumbled across you like this, I have to admit that it's left a bad taste in my mouth. If you can afford to drink the night away with your little boy toy, then things must not be as bad as you let on. You must have more than enough time and money to spare. It looks like things have improved for you quite a bit lately, huh? Or maybe you were just lying to me all along about not being able to make your payments on time."

You can feel your stomach progressively twisting into a knot. He's as scummy and remorseless as always, not that you'd expect any less of him. Nonetheless, you can't stand what he's insinuating. Just because you recently started selling your blood doesn't mean you've been blessed with immeasurable wealth all of a sudden. Money is still tight, even more so considering how much you spent on that hospital visit.

He's making it sound like you're living pretty, without so much as a care in the world, when he's the sole reason for your stress and misery.

"I just wanted to see a friend for a little bit," you swallow. "I'm still working several jobs, and I haven't failed to pay you back on time, right? I don't understand what the issue is. I'm doing everything I can to hold up my end of the deal."

Johnny narrows his eyes. "The problem is that if you can afford to do shit like this, then you should be paying me back more often, because clearly, you have the means to do it."

"What?" you gasp. "No! I can barely afford what I'm paying you as is!"

"Oh, really? Then how is it that you're able to enjoy a night out with this spineless-looking piece of shit, and why do you reek of booze as if you just drank your fill at a bar?"

Tears well up into your eyes. What the actual fuck does he want from you? You so rarely splurge or treat yourself. You so rarely give yourself a break and take a moment to unwind. Are you not allowed to live like everyone else? At least every now and then? Does he want you to be miserable every second of every fucking day?

When your parents signed off on the massive loans they took out all those years ago, they also signed off on your freedom.

"I just think there's an issue of transparency here," Johnny glares. "It seems to me like you can afford to pay more than our current agreement, and I don't appreciate being cheated like this."

You feel like you're about to start crying. Everything about this situation is just so goddamn hopeless. Right as you finally started making enough to meet his demands, he starts asking for more. Greedy assholes like him will never be satisfied. They'll keep pushing you until the day you inevitably break.

Is there even a point anymore? Will you ever be able to live a life that's entirely your own?

You sniffle, wiping away the tears before they can fall, but just as you're composing yourself to form a response, someone interjects.

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