31: Escalation

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Apart from Felix jumpscaring you by randomly showing up at your apartment the other day, things haven't been too bad lately.

For one, Kai is finally showing remorse, and he's making efforts to redeem himself. Only time will tell if he'll actually succeed in earning your forgiveness, but you're glad he's paid Caleb back, for the time being. It's a start.

Realistically, you're still trapped. Johnny still has you in his clutches, and so does Karl. Still, you've never been a reckless person, and you're biding your time while you play your cards right. At least it's gotten a lot easier to meet Johnny's formerly ridiculous demands. Thanks to the money you get from Karl, the money you get from Xavier, and the money you also occasionally get from Elliot-on top of your two jobs-you no longer find yourself at risk of being killed for failing to make a payment on time. Johnny may be one of the most rancid pieces of shit in the whole world, but just like pretty much everyone else, his actions are driven by greed. So long as you have enough money in your arsenal, you'll be able to keep him at arm's length.

Well, hopefully. There's no telling when that crazy son-of-a-bitch will flip next.

But that's a problem for another day.

"I'd like another coffee, please," Elliot says, smiling shyly. He stopped by a little while ago, since he knew you were working a shift, and he's been sitting at a table and happily enjoying his drink. Most people don't realize he's a vampire, but the ones that occasionally pick up on it make sure to scowl in disapproval, just about every single time.

You know that he's a sensitive soul, often wounded by others' perception of him. He's been treated unfairly ever since he moved here, and it even makes your blood boil when you see people shrinking away from him in disgust. You get the urge to curse at them and call them out for being prejudiced assholes.

Lately, though, it doesn't seem like the judgemental glares bother him as much. You wonder what changed.

It looks like he's starting to get used to it and not let it faze him as much. Which sucks, because he shouldn't have to deal with all this hate. He shouldn't have to put on a brave face at all.

"I'll have your order ready for you in just a moment," you smile back.

Well, either way, you suppose it's a good thing that he's becoming less fazed. Those people clearly don't know the first thing about him. He shouldn't let them ruin his day.

Elliot sits back down at his table and starts munching on the croissant he bought earlier. He's way too cute, even swinging his feet every so often while he eats. The fact that he looks so happy to spend time with you, even when you're stuck behind a cash register, is more endearing that you can even put into words.

You get started on his coffee, and it's nice that it's not too busy right now. There are only a few other customers, also sitting at tables and mostly minding their own business while they scroll through their phones.

"It's ready, Elliot," you soon call out, and he scurries up to the front, like a giddy child on Christmas morning. He must really like his coffee. And also you. He seems to really like you as well.

You hand it over to him with yet another smile, and right at that very moment, someone else steps into the coffee shop.

As it just so happens, it's someone you already know.

"Xavier?" you blink, tilting your head to get a better look and make sure it's actually him.

Sure enough, it is him, and he steps up to the front with a quiet sort of confidence, lightly nudging Elliot aside as he passes him. There's a gleam in his eyes that perfectly compliments the muted, yet smug expression he wears, and he makes sure that Elliot picks up on it. After all, he's the one that decided to be a dick first.

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