Lil Baby Styles

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Akright Guys how are you all?? :) SO really sorry about the long wait but this is the ending chapter of Kiss you. I hope you guys enjoy it and thankyoufor reading!!


Kierra's POV (intro to the rest of the book)

It had been months since Caitlyn and Corinnes mom went to the hospital. Harry and Corinne had decided to get their own place in london after that. NIall and I also got our own place in the same neighborhood as Corinne and Harry. Taylor and Zayn had broken up because Taylor found out Zayn was cheating on her. They are stil good friends though. Louis and Lexie are still together and getting married soon actually. Caitlyn and Liam also found their own place and adopted a puppy named Gabby together. Josh stilll lives in that aprtment, and i still see him occasionaly.

Niall and I were just about to leave to go over to Corinne and Harrys house for a barbeque. All our friends and Josh were going to be there. "Niall did you grab the potatoe salad?" I yelled while searching for shoes that would go with my outfit. 

"Yeah babe! You gotta hurry! were gonna be late!" His thick Irish accent rang out. I found the shoes i was looking for and sllipped them on. Racing down the stairs, I nearly bumped into Niall who was waiting at the door.

"Crazy as always," He chuckled kissing me on the lips. We began the walk over to Corinne and Harrys.

The walk there was roughly 2 minutes. thats how close we lived next to each other. Niall reached out to knock on the door. Corine opened the door looking bubbly as ever. "Kierra Niall!" She smiled pulling me into a hug then Niall.

"Hey girl! we brought potato salad." I laughed holding it out to her.

"Aww thanks you can go put it outside next to Harry," She said glancing over her shoulder. She let us in, and led us into the backyard.

Moments after i set the potato salad down, I heard Corinne cry out in agony. I whipped my head around to find her bent over cluchting her stomach.

Corinnes POV

A Sharp pain hit me right in the abdomen. I screamed out in pain. "BABE!" Harry yelled dropping his spatula. "Whats wrong whats the matter?"

"The baby. I think its coming," I chocked out breathing heavily.

"HOLYshit the babys coming. we gotta get her to the hospital!" Harry yelled at everyone.

Harry came over to me and helped me out to the car. Everyone was already here, so they followed us in our car with Kama and Niall. "Harry drive faster!" I moaned in pain.

"Babe I am going as fast as I can without getting a ticket." He replied keeping a calm demenor.

Moments Later we pulled up to the hospital, me still in pain. Kierrra ran to get a wheelchair while Niall and Harry tried to calm me down. It wasnt working to well. Kierra returned, and Harry helped me into the wheelchair.

Harrys POV

I pushed Corinne along in the wheelchair nearly running. I reached the desk and told the lady my girlfriend was having a baby. She gave me a weird look but called a doctor and he took her and me to a labor/delivery room.

"Mam' you can have two people in here. Im assuming you want your man, but you can have another as well." The docotr told her getting everything all set up.

"Harry go get Caitlyn." She told me I noddded kissed her forhead and went to get her sister.

"Caitlyn Corinne wants you in there with her." I puffed out. 

"Alright lead the way she said standing up, but giving Liam a kiss first.

Ilead the way to the room, and she instantly ran to her sister side giving her a hug. We stayed in that room with her the whole entire time. I was not going to miss the birth of my first born child.

Nearly seven hours later, the doctor finally announced it was time to push. I gave Corinne my hand and she squezed the living daylights out of it. 

"Alright I think one more push and itll be out." The doctor smiled. "Ready? 1...2...3.. PUSH!"

Amoment later I heard my baby cry for the first time. "ITS A GIRL!" The doctor yelled cleaning the baby up and wrapping it in a blanket. The addoration in Corinnes eyes for that baby as she held it mad eme realise how much I truely love her.

"So what are you going to name her?" The doctor questioned.

"Bailey. Bailey Anne Styles." Corinne smiled.

"What a beautiful name."The doctor gushed wtiting the name down on the birth certificate.

"Babe I dont see how life could get much more perfect than thsis." I Told Corinne giving her a kiss and holding my baby girl for the fist time ever.

My life is complete.

Kierras POV

After Corinne had her baby, we all went home except Harry Caitly and Liam. Niall decided to take me out on a date that night. He told me to dress fancily. I did as he asked and changed into the best dress I owned.

Upon getting to our destination I realized it was a yaht covered in fairy lights. Niall led the way onto the boat, and to a table set in the middle of the deck. "Babe this is gorgeous how did you manage this?" I asked baffled.

"I have connections," He smiled and added a wink. HE pulled out my chair and poured us each a glass of whine.

We talked for while while we picked at the food the waiter had brought out. Niall began to look really nervous touwards the end of the meal. I began to pick up on it and finally asked him what as up.

"Babe why do you look so nervous?" I asked.

"Kierra I just want you to know that I love you with all my heart. No matter what I will always love you. Like whitney houston sang in that one song. I honestly would never be able to go a day without knowing your mine. I want to spend the rest of my life with you. FOrever and Always. NO matter what happens. YOu make me happy on my saddest days, and you know how to make me laugh so much. Babe I Love you and want to know, Will You Marry Me?" Niall rattled off.

"Niall Of course I'll marry you! Babe I love you so much!"

We Kissed and finished off the night with a little special time of our own. (wink wink)

My life was complete and perfect.


Alright this is a sucky ending, but its the end of Kiss you. I just want to thank all the fans of this story, and all the readers. It means alot. I love you all and honestly wouldnt have any motivation to write if it wasnt for you guys. Love you all and thanks again.

--Kama <3

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