Detroit Baby!!!

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Kierras POV

We landed at the Detroit airport In Michigan. I have to say this is one of the biggest airports I've ever been in. I grabbed Nialls hand and held him close so I wouldnt get lost in the sea of people. We eventually made it to baggage claim where obviously we claimed are bags. LOL.

After making it out of the mess of an airport, we made it to the two vans were waiting for us. We loded our bags into the 1st van while the crew loaded theirs into the other. Niall and I, Taylor and Zayn.. do I suspect new love? hehehehe. Lexie and Louis, Harry and Corinne. My brother was sat with Maddy near the back cathcing up on who knows what.

I always knew that Josh had a thing for maddy. Just the way he always spoke about her and acted around her. It was really cute actually. You could even tell that maddy had a thing for josh.

I was pulled from my thoughts as We were pulling up to The Double Tree Suites in downtown Detroit.

"OMG this place is gorgeous!" Caitlyn exclaimed.

"I know right?" I replied.

We all unloaded our bags and walked to the front desk, where paul asked for two penthouse suites. Paul gave us each a key to our room, and we walked to the elavator. I have to say an elavataor with 10 people at a time is extremely crammped. When the elavator finally dinged signaling that we were at our floor we raced to see our gorgeous room.

The room was massive. One whole wall was window and it was two floors. There was 5 bedrooms but Josh and maddy offered to sleep on the couch. NOT IN THAT WAY YOU PERVERTS!  Niall and I called dibs on the room at the far end of the hall, then corinne and harold, Lexie and Lou, Caity and Liam And last but not least Zayn and Taytay.

"Lets go swimming!!!" Louis Yelled like a five year old.

"Ok." We all replied.

I walked into our room and asked Niall," Should I wear the bright pink bandue bikkin or the blue and white striped one?"

"You would look gorgeous in both, but I would have to say the blue and white stripped one." He replied making me blush.

"Ok turn around so I can change." I giggled.

I waited until he turned around before stripping off any clothing. I shimmied into the bikini and turned around to see Niall already dressed... and turned around.

"NIALL YOU PERVERT!" I chuckled.

"Well I'm sorry I'm a teenage boy." 

"Whatever lets just go find the others." I smiled.

We all met up and walked to the pool area. I was just about to sit down when Two arms circled around me and picked me up. I looked up to see who my captor was. Louis. I started thrashing around when I felt myself dropping and liquid around me.

I rose up and screamed," LOUIS YOU BASTARD! YOU WILL PAY!"  Everyone was laughing their booties off.

Pretty soon everyone jumped in and we had a great time. We all got out because we were starting to look like prunes. Finally making it to the hotel room, we went our seperate ways. I went and jumped into the shower that was connected to our room. I got out and braided my hair so It would be wavy tomorrow.

When I walked into the living room, Niall was the only one sitting there. I went and cuddled into his side, breathing in his sent that still smelled like pool.

"Niall you need to shower you smell like chlorine." I giggled.

"Aww but I wanna stay here with you." He whined.

"Ill tell you what, scince everyones off in their rooms doing their own thing I will call room service and order food for us while your in the shower."

"Ok!!!!" He grinned and sped off like a child.

I called room servcice and order a Double Bacon Burger and chips for Niall and a ham and cheese sandwich with crisps. To add to that I got a banna split for us to share.

The food came just as Niall came out of the shower. We ate and talked together and just enjoyed each others company



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