You can be a real douche bag..... But I Love You

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Kierras POV

After our amazing night at the ball, we all went back to our hotel rooms and fell asleep right away.. well atleast Niall and I did. I dont know about the others though. *cough cough Harry and Corinne cough cough*. Anywany though, I don't really wan to think about that. The boys actually had to do work today. They had an interveiw at 10 with some chick, and then a concert at 7:30 at the Staples center.

"Niall babe. You gotta get up your interveiw is in an hour." I cooed in his ear.

"Hmmmm noooo!" He whined pulling me into his chest. His six pack was very prominent seeing he was only in his boxers.

"Come on Ill make you breakfast if-" Niall jumped out of bed at the word breakfast and ran to the shower.

"Looks like im making him breakfast." I mumbled to myself.

Quickly, I threw on a white hollister hoodie and black leggings. I then grabbed my hair into a messy bun and walked to the kitchen. I was surprised to see Liam sleeping on the couch in our hotel room.

"Uhhh Liam? Liam!" I called.

"Huh what?" Liam sat up and I instantly noticed his eyes were red and puffy. Almost as though he had been crying.

"Ohhh Liam whats wrong? And why are you in our room?"

"Caitlyn and I got in a fight last night so I came here."

"Wait about what? Wern't you guys like telling each other you loved one another for the first time last night? What could you possibly be fighting about now?" I asked the pouting Liam that sat in front of me.

"Kierra I'm doooooooonnnnneeee! can I have breakfast now?" I heard Niall holler from down the hall."Wait whats going on? Why does Liam look like his cat or something died?"

"Niall!" I hissed."Him and Caitlyn had a fight last night and he was just about to tell what it was about."

"Oh Ok proceed."Niall proceeded to take a seat next to me.

"Well after we got home last night, Caitlyn got a call. She answered but when she hung up she said,"Love you!!" so I questioned her who it was. She said it was Noah. Of course though I jumped to conclusions WAY to quickly and asumed she was cheating on me. So I asked her if she was and she said no It was just a friend... Then things escalated from there...." liam trailed off at the end.

"Wait you do know Noah's gay right...?" I asked when he was done.

"Oh God I am the biggest douchebag ever!" Liam moaned running his hands through his hair.

"Um yeah! dude you never jump to conclusions like that! Like ever. you should do something about that." Niall added.

"No shit sherlock." Liam replied rehtorically.

"Ok guys. Anyway, Liam, you need to find a way to fix this. Take her out and apologize. I know she loves the beach so maybe find like a lake or something." I suggested.

"But we have an interveiw and a concert today. The only free day we have is tomorrow. And I feel like that will be to late." Liams voice cracked torwards the end.

"Bro, it wont be too late. Obviously she loves you. I mean she said so lat night right?" Niall interjected.

"Yeah but-" Liam started.

"No buts bro she loves you. Now youll just have to wait until tomorrow. It will give her time to cool off." Niall replied simply.

"You know what your right. I will. Now I gotta go get ready for this interveiw. Can I use your stuff Niall? Liam asked sheepishly.

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