Corinne+Harry= Idiotic love.

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Kierra's POV

Due to the late night last night I didnt wake up until around 12.  Our bus driver had driven over night again and we were now in a new location.Why were We were parked outside of a hotel? Then it hit me. We were staying hear for a few more days than usual because of some things the boys had to do. My guess was they were waiting for all of us to get up before we check in. After pulling on my robe i walked over to the other bus to find paul and ask him what was going on.

After knocking on the door, Paul answered."Well good morning sleeping beauty."

"Morning Paul." I said still sleepy. "When are we checking in?"

"Well i was going to wait until you all got up on your own but seeing as its already noon I was about to go wake them up." Paul replied sighing.

"Wait paul I have the perfect way to wake them up but were going to have to run as soon as we do it." A mischevious grin began to grow on my face.

"Go on." Paul persauded.

"Well i was thinking, the boys brought their squirt guns with them so we fill them up with ice water and spray everyone to get them up?" 

"Perfect lets go grab them."

Paul and I made our way to the storage area on the outside of the bus and grabbed the water guns. We dropped a few ice cubes in and filled them up. Paul was carrying two and i had 1. Slowly we crept twords the door and wrenched it open. Just as we perred in I saw Niall, a doughnut in his mouth.

"Say anthing and you will pay." I whispered pointing my water gun at him."Pauly toss him a gun."

Paul did so and we crept to the bunks. First we pulled back all the curtains and then sprayed everyone. Screams erupted from the bus as we ran away into the safety of the other bus. Niall and I were doubled over in a fit of laughter. Paul was laughing uncontrollibly aswell. The other members on the the bus were giving us weird looks.

All of a sudden There was a pounding on the bus door and there stood 4 steaming mad members of One Direction my 3 very best friends, and one older brother all dripping wet from head to toe. 

"You've got 10 seconds to run or you'rel be dead." Harry growled.

Niall, Paul, and i exchanged a nervous look before booking it to the hotel entrance. The middle aged woman looked up from what she was doing when she heard the loud clatter that was us scrambling through the door. Recognizing Paul from earlier she held out two room keys. I grabbed one as we ran by and paul grabbed the other. 

Just as we were nearing the elavator the doors dinged open realising a group of buisness men. We charged in and repedativly pressed the button for the doors to close. The raging group of our friends were nearing. Finally the doors closed and we were safe... for a moment at least.

"Were doomed as soon as we get to our floor. You know that they must of taken the stairs." Niall broke the heavy breathing mixed with silence.

"Or they took another elavator." I scoffed. "They arnt that completly stupid.

We got to our floor and booked it to the two seperate rooms. Quickly slamiing and locking the door Niall and i slumped down onto the couch and caught our breath.

Corinnes POV

"OK you guys take the left stairwell" I pointed to lexie, louis, Zayn, and Josh. "And you guys take the right while Harry and i take the other elavator." I then pointed to Liam and Caitlyn. We all nodded and ran off in our directions. Hee hee direction. Harry and i quickly got in the elavator whike i jammed the button over and over for the our designated floor.

The elavtor ride went smooth until it started to rumble and come to a stop. Genrally when an elavtor stops the doors open. No. In our case the elavator had broken down. Who knows how long we would be stuck in this metal contraption.

I sunk down the shining wall groaning as i hit the floor.

"Hey dont be upset your stuck in an elavator with Harry Styles." He grinned like the cheeky bastard he was.

I let out a small chuckle, " Oh Harry just as cheeky as ever." 

"Well you know I've got to charm the ladies some how." 

I subcontiously began leaning in just as he was. Our lips met and our lips fit together like puzzle pieces. I pulled away and he almost instantly began leaning in for more. Our lips met again only this time the kiss was rougher. Petty soon it was a full blown make out session. Pretty soon we both pulled away gasping for air.

"Corinne I dont know if I can take it any more.... Will you be my girlfriend?" Harry finally asked.

"Of course i was waiting for you to ask." I giggled, sluping down to lay my head on his shoulder. He wrapped his arm around me as we sat in silence, slowly breating, awaiting the arrival of a wotking elavator.

The elavator jolted and we were finally moving again. We rose from our postions and held has as we waited for our floor. 

The doors dinged open, and we walked out down the hall to our room. You could hear laughter coming from the other side. I moved the handle to find it unlocked. Harry and i moved inside to find everyone gathered around the couches, suprisingly not strangling one another.

"There you guys are! Why do you two look like you were attacked by a wild animal?" Kierra quizzed.

"I dont think you wantt to know." I giggled out.


Sorry its been a while since I've updated. I just have been really busy but i promise i will update more often now :) I love you all who read my story and thank you so much. Dont forget to fan vote comment and all that fun little stuff :D 

Love you all :)

-- Kama <3

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