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Kierras POV

This was it. Our last stop on the tour. I was a mixture of two things. Happiness, and sadness. Hapiness because we would be able to return home, sad because this time I've spent with them would e coming to an end. Although, Niall and I have talked about moving in together, we still would be away from everyone else...

"Kierra," Niall cooed kissing my temple then my cheek,"time to get ready."

"Ok. You wanna shower first or you want me to?" I asked sitting up, and swinging my legs over the edge of the bed.

"You can, and I'll pack." He smiled.

"Okke dokke!" I giggled and patted off into the bathroom.

Turning the knob on the shower to a medium teperature, I stripped down and hopped in. The water, cascading down my back, woke me up. After using the hotels shower items, I turned the water off, wrapped a towel around me, and wandered back into the room.

Niall being the sweet boy he is, already set out an outfit for me. Not gonna lie either it was actually pretty cute. It was a pair of dark hollister denim shorts, that had rips in them. He paired it with a floral loose tanktop, that got tight on the bottom. The finishing touches were a gray cardigan, and brown gladiator sandles.

"Niall are you secretly a girl? Because this outfit is actually really cute." I asked bewildered.

"Gee thanks and no I am not. Trust me." He wiggled his eyebrows and I blushed.

"Whatever." I giggled.

Niall strode into the bathroom for his turn, while I dropped my towel and threw on my outfit. Using the mirror in the Hotel bathroom, I did my hair and makeup. I decided to just blowdry it and then curl it a bit. By the time I was done, Niall was too. After doing our last minute packing, We piled our luggage by the door, and waited for our cue to leave.

"GUYS WERE LEAVING COME ON!" Liam burst through our door.

"OK OK. Were coming!" Niall shouted back laughing a little at the end.

Niall laced his fingers with mine, and we whelled out luggage down the hall and met up with the others in the lobby. Following the same routine as always, we loaded our luggage and piled into the van, and we were off.

The ride was quick, and soon, Paul stood up at the counter checking us all in.

"Guys before we get on the plane can we get breakfast? Im Starving!" I monaed, nearly dropping to the floor to add a dramatic effect.

"Sure whatever you want," Niall laughed as he picked me up and held me in his arms. He then kissed my nose, while I giggled below.

"Ok guys get a room no one needs to see you getting freaky." Caitlyn yelled loud enough I think Canada heard.

"Could you be any louder?" Corinne shot at her sister.

"YES!" Caitlyn yelled even louder.

"Clearly someone dosnt understand sarcasm," Corinne mumbled.

"Well clearly someones on their period," Lexie half snorted half giggled.

"Actually that is illogical at the moment," I grinned feeling smart for my use of illogical.

"Thank you caiptain obvious but i think she knew that already," Taylor laughed.

"Oh whatever," I huffed and went back over to Niall.

"Ok guys were all good, so head over to security. The crew and I will be right there." Paul said as he came trotting back.

"Alrighty then guys, LETS GO TO HAWAII!" Louis squeled. Yes squeled.

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