on our way

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Hey guys ive been really bored today so this is like the 3rd time ive uploaded and yeah i hope you guys are enjoying the story.


Kierras P.O.V

There we were all sat on the tour bus and on our way to the concert venue. We were getting pretty bored so we decided to play truth or dare. The order of the circle was Me, Caitlyn, Corinne, Lexie, Liam, Louis, Niall, Zayn, Harry, and Josh.

"Caitlyn, Truth or Dare?" Liam asked.

"Uhhh Truth?" Caitlyn siad unsure of her answer.

"Who do you think is the cutest of the group?"

"Um you." she whispered very quietly.

"I'm sorry what?" Liam smirked.

"I said you ok?" Caitlyn blushed furiously.

"Ok... Louis, Truth or dare?" Caitlyn asked Lou.

"Dare 'cause I'm a dare devil." He grinned cheekily.

"I dare you to kiss Lexie."

"Um do i get a say in this?" Lexie whined.

"What you dont want to kiss me?" Louis sarcasticly teased.

Lexie's POV

Of course i wanted to kiss him but we've all been friends for so long and i dont want to jeprodize that. He was a gorgeous lad though. The way his floppy brown hair fell in a mess apon his head made butterflies appear in my stomach. And lets not forget those stiking pools of blue that sat upon his perfectly sculpted face of his.

"Lex? Lexie!" Someone abruptly shouted in my face.

"Yeah?" I asked snapping out of my jumbled thoughts.

"You've got to kiss Lou." Caitlyn said.

"Wait but this isn't even my D-, fine." i gave up knowing i wouldnt be able to win any argument with this lot.

Louis began to lean in towrds me. Was this it? would i finally get to kiss the boy I'd been crushing on for as long as I've known him? I found my self subconstiously leaning in with him. Our lips met in the middle and i felt something. It wasn't just the usual butterflies i got in my stomach when he was around. No. This was like a thousand fireworks going off inside me. He smiled into the kiss then pulled away. The kiss was short and it may of been only a dare but it was the best kiss i had ever had.

I was positive i was beet red as i let out a small giggle. Wait. Did i just giggle because of a kiss? That is so not like me. I've never giggled because of a kiss before. Am i falling for this boy? Hard?

Louis POV

That kiss. I know i felt something go off inside me and I'm positive she felt it too. I couldn't help but smile while we kissed. It was just to perfect. I know what i must do now. I'm going to ask her out... but not here ill do it soon though. soon.

It was my turn to ask someone,"Kierra.. truth or dare?" 

"Uhhhh. After that dare I'm going to go with truth?" She replied nervously.

"Whimp." I mumbled loud enough for her to hear. she shot me a glare."Fine, would you date any of us in the group and if so who."

"Please don't make me do this" she pleaded.

"Sorry but everyone else has don theres"

"Fine! yes i would if they asked.... and niall." she said the last part in a whisper.

"Wait who?" I smirked.

"Niall" she said a bit louder.

I looked over at Niall. He looked happier than whenever we took him out to Nando's. I'll have to question him about that later, but now was not the time. My gaze travled over to Lexie who was in a daze playing we her fingers. She was just beautiful. Dirty blonde shoulder length hair that fell in waves. Brown eyes that sucked you in. She was tall too. Not taller than me but tall all the same.Her smile... her smile well made you want to smile too. the same as her laugh.

Kierra's POV

Ugh i cant beleive Louis asking that. I'll get him back at some point.

"Josh. Truth or dare?" I asked my brother.

"Dare... cause YOLO"He yelled.

"I dare you to eat a spoonfull of mustard."I grinned devilishly.

"OK" he simply replied.

Harry ran to the kitchen and got a spoonful of mustard for Josh. Josh hated mustard but he also hated backing down so thats probrably why he didt try to challende my dare. Harry handed the spoon to Josh. Josh stared at the tangy yellow substance on the spoon. He raised it to his lips and shived the whole thing in his mouth. He almost instantly got up and ran to the bathroom and spit it out, coughing in the process.

"Ok maybe we should be done for now... Were almost to the concert anyway." Corinne suggested.

We all answered with yeahs and ok's. I looked at the time and it was already 3 . Wow. Time fllies when your with friends.

I spent the rest of the time laying in my bunk reading a book. The bus crawled to a stop, and i looked out the window. We were at the concert venue. We all piled off the bus, and walked into the venue. It was a massive arena that could probrably sit close to 3,000. It was crazy big. I followed the boys back to the wardrobe area.Paul had genorously given me the oppertunity to work on wardrobe and makeup with the boysAll five boys the band and i  were quikly scurrid into the wardrobe room were i would be in charge of picking out their outfits fo r this show. For Harry i chose a white t-shirt with a dark blue blazer on top and some khaki skinny jeans, and red converse. For zayn i chose a red and white lettermans jacket with a white t-shirt underneath, and some khaki skinny jeans, and red nikes.For Niall i chose his signiture red polo shirt with khakis and red supras.For Louis i chose a blue and white stirped shirt, red skinny jeans, and white convers. Finallly for Liam i chose a blue and white plaid shirt, khaki skinnies, and red converse. They all looked stunning if i do say so myself.

The boys were practically shoved into hair and makeup where there was only one other hair and makeup artist. She took Harry,Zayn, and louis and i took Liam and Niall. I did their hair and moved onto makeup. Being the boys they were i only put on some powder foundation and clear chapstick and just the very tiniest bit of blush which niall had a problem with but oh well.

By the time all that was done the boys were told to go onstage for soundcheck and Corinne, Caitlyn, Lexie, and i headed back to the bus to get ready for the concert. I changed into a pair of light denim hollister shorts with a few holes in them, and paired it with a strapless ruffled dark blue shirt and my grey converse. I threw my hair up into a neat but messy ponytail.. catch my drift? My makeup was done lightly but noticably. Corinne was wearing dark denim hollister shorts with a greay shirt that had a black sparkly square on it and paired it with a pair of brown ankle boots. Her hair was straightend and left all the way down. Caitlyn was wearing a pink floral flowy dress that sinched at the waist, and brown strappy sandles. She slighty curled her sholder lenght blonde hair, and did light makeup. Lexie was wearing a black flowy skirt and a white t-shirt with some black ballet flats. She flatirond her hair and pinned her bangs back, and did slighlty darker makeup than the rest of us.

We were FINALLY ready and we headed back to the arena. The lights went down in the arena and the concert started. One word... Amazing.

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