Tennessee here we come!

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Kierras POV

After Nialls and my little makeup session last night, we fell into a blissful sleep in each others arms. Nothing could of felt better or more right. The only downside was that we were getting up early today to leave michigan and go to Tennessee. Nashville to be exact. 

"Love" Niall whispered,"Time to get up. We leave for Tennessee today."

"Hmmm ok. What time is it?" I quized.

"It is 7:30. But we dont need to leave until about 8:15."

"Ok. Do you wanna shower first or you want me to?" I asked.

"Why don't we go together?" He waggled his eyebrows.

"Niall you pervert! No.. maybe someday though." I blushed.

"Oh fine. But you may go first." He smiled.

I leaned up and kissed him before padding over to the bathroom. I began by turning the shower on and stripping down. Before stepping in the shower I caught sight of my image in the mirror. In my opinion I have never been pleased with my weight or apperance. All the other girls just seemed skinny and beautiful while I thought I was fat. Fat. The one word that has left me self consious for ages and leaving me feeling like the odd man out. 

Someday I thought. Someday I will be pretty and skinny like all the other girls.Then the thought hit me. Why was Niall even dating me. He could be with someone who was supermodel status and not... well me. 

Those thouhts continued to flood into my brain as I climbed out of the shower. Thankfuly the windows were steemed up and I couldnt see the image that was me.

I threw on the clothes I chose for the day and atteemted to look pretty... well sorta.

After what felt like hours I was finally ready to go downstairs. I rounded the corner at the bottom of the stairs and pranced into the kitchen.

"Hey babe.. you can go shower now." I smiled and then pecked Niall on the lips.

"Oh no I used Harrys shower so I'm all clean." He grinned.

"No wonder u smelled so goood." I giggled.

"Aw you smell good too." He kissed my nose.

"ok I hate to break up this love fest but we need to leave for the airport." Josh interjected.

"Ok." Niall sighed.

Niall laced his fingers through mine as we grabbed our bags and walked down the hall to the elevator. We leaped in and rode down to the lobby. After loading our bags into the van we were on our way to the airport.

A little while later wer were at the aiport waiting in the line to check in. The boys and us girls all had hoods on and big sunglasses. When we finally got to the check in desk, we handed them our bags and did all that stuff that comes with checking in. I reallly didnt know what you do cause Paul always did it.

Louis POV

My fingers were entwined with Lexies as we walked to our gate. When all of a sudden a girl around the age of 13-14 came running up.

"OMG!! You guys are One Direction!" She squeled in excitment. I saw harry flinch out of the corner of my eye. He hates loud noises.. and squeling.

"Why yes love we are." I replied smiling.

"Here theses are for you!" She shoved a bag full of baby carrots into my hands. Seriously carrots? Don't people know yet that I am getting annoyed with that joke? Like seriously.

But Of course I grinned and replied, "Thanks love but weve got to get going or we'll miss our flight."

We each hugged her before we were able to get back on our way. 

"Seriously more carrots?" I laughed.

"I guess she just really wants you to like her." Lexie joked.

"Harharhar." I fake laughed and kissed her temple.

Kierras POV

We finally made it to our gate, but we still had 45 minutes to kill before we boarded the plane.

"Im going to go get some food wanna come?" Niall stood up and looked at me and then everyone else.

"Sure I'll go." I smiled. Liam and Caitlyn decided to go to. The others had eaten before we left.

"Kierra I need your advice..." Caitlyn looked at the floor. We were walking a few feet behind the boys.

"Sure ask away." I smiled.

"I think I'm in love with Liam... but I'm scared to tell him." 

"Caitlyn theres nothing to be scarred of. you can totally tell that Laim feels the same exact way. Its obvious."

"But what if he laughs at me? Or dosnt feel the same way?"

"Trust me he does. I say you go for it." I looked over to her.

"Ok I will." She grinned.

*After we land In Nashville Tennessee*

"Oh my gosh its so humid here!" Lexie moaned as we stepped out of the airport.

"I know Right!" Caitlyn agreed with her.

"Ahh the air is so fresh here." I sniffed the crisp country air.

" You are strange Kierra." Niall chuckled.

"But you love it." I smiled up at him.

He just grinned and kissed the top of my head. We got to our new van and the driver drove us to our new hotel. As soon as it came into veiw amonst the tall buildings of Nashville, my face was pressed against the galss trying to get a glimpes of this magnificent building. The driver came to a stop and came around to open our doors for us. We all clambered out and strolled  around to the back of the van to grab our luggage.

"I wonder what our suite will look like this time." Caitlyn tapped her perfectly manicured finger on her lips.

"Well you'll see, but i'm sure your love it." Paul smiled slightly.

Paul led the way to the reception desk where he was handed not 2 but 7 keys this time.

"I thought you all were behaving well enough that i would be able to have your own, well kinda own, rooms. The crew and i will be across the hall from Liam and Caitlyns room if you all need anything." Paul left us standing there before we finallt decided to walk to the elavators.

Personally I've never really liked elavators cause im always afraid of them breaking down and getting stuck. But thankfully the ride up it didnt get stuck and we made it safely to our rooms. Mine and Nialls room was in between Harry and Louis rooms. Niall opened the door with the key slidy thingy and in we walked.

The room was massive! There was even a kitchen in it and a huge living room! The bedroom was seperate and had an ensuite bathroom.I dragged Niall passed the kitchen and into the bedroom. We set our bags down, and walked out onto the balcony. The veiw was breathtaking. I turned to Niall and stared into those beautiful irish eyes. Thats when I knew I was completly in love with this boy. The words came up like vomit and i couldn't stop them.

"Niall, I love you." His eyes searched all over my face.

"Kierra, I love you too and there is no one else i would rather be with." He cupped my face with his large hands and leaned in. His warm soft lips cascadede over mine as they made contact. This kiss was filled with so much passion than the others. It literally made my knees weak and rose butterflies in my stomach.

I was completly and totally in love with this one boy.


HEY GUYS!!! Omg I am so sorry for takiong so long to update. I've just been rally busy with school and soccer so i havnt really had time but i will do my best so thanks for reading it really means alot. don't forget to comment vote fan and all that fun stuff :)

-Kama <3

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