Hangovers and Masdison Square Garden

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Kierras POV

I awoke the next morning with a pounding headache and the worst hangover ever from getting drunk. Groaning from the broght sunlight seeping through the blinds, I burrowed into Nialls chest. He stirred from beneath me signaling he was awake.

"Hmmm Its way to bright in here!" Niall grumbled.

"I know!" I moaned back.

Niall tightend his arms around me, pulling me closer, when all of a sudden Louis of all people burst through the door screaming, "WAKEY WAKEY EGGS AND BAKEY!" He walzted right in carrying a plate of eggs and bacon. Food was not on my mind and the smell of any food, even bacon, made me want to vomit.

"OMG yesss food!" Niall bounced out of bed. Boy, for having a hangover he sure gets pumped up about food.

Uh oh. The rising feel of my stomach was happening again. I sprang out of bed and sprinted to the bathroom. There I sat throwing up the contents of my stomach. I felt a hand pull back my hair and a soothing Irish voice. "Shh shh Its ok." It was Niall.

"Thanks" I whispered, slightly smiling up at him, after I was finished. I stood up, washed my mouth, and went and crawled back on bed.

"Ummmm you guys knnow we have a concert today right??" Louis asked once we were all situated.

"WHAT?!?" Niall and I both yelled at the same time. "What time?"

"7.. and its 2 now you have 2 and a half hours to get ready... sorry." He smiled sheepsishly.

"2 HOURS? LOU!" I shouted, my head still pounding from the hangover.

"Sorry guys we tried waking you up sooner but you wouldnt budge." Louis looked at the ground.

"Its ok Lou. Is everyone else up?" Niall quized the sheepish boy.

"Yeah there all ready so its just you guys so you better get to smelling good and looking good." Louis grinned and ran out of the room.

"Well I guess we should get dressed and showered." I said before deviously grinning and sprinting to the bathroom.

I threw the door closed and turned the shower on. The warm water felt good on my aching body and soothed my headache a bit. As much as I wanted to stay in I knew I had to get out at somepoint so I finished washing and got out of the shower. The bathroom mirrror had become steamy due to the shower, so I decided to take advantege of it. I wrote random things such as: llamas and camels with lots of other things...

Before I got in the shower, I had forgoten my clothes so I wrapped my towel tightly around  me and, made my way to my suitcase. I chose a pair of Light wash denim ripped jeans and a light pink strappless top. Of course, I didnt forget my  bra and panties.

After choosing my outfit I went bakc into the bathroom and changed. I then blew dry my hair and loosely side braided my hair and did some somewhat natural make up. Having been satisfied with the outcome, I waltzed out of the bathroom and into the Kitchen of the hotel room where everyone was. Niall was already dressed.. He must of used one of the boys bathrooms.

"Well good afternoon sleeping beauty." Harry commented and teased. I sent him a glare.

"Shut it Harold." I replied.

"Well someone got a little to much to drink last night." Caitlyn giggled from her spot next to Liam.

I ignored that comment and went to get some coffe. I never have reallly liked coffe but for some reason whenever I had a hangover I always wanted some. Strange right?

Nialls stong arms came up and circled their way aorund my waist and whispered in my ear, "You look beautiful today."

"Why thankyou. You look quite handsom yourslef." I smiled at his comment. He leaned down and kissed the top of my head. 

I tuned around, grabbed my coffe in one hand and Nialls in my other, and made my way to the living room with Niall. 

"What time is it guys?" I asked as we sat down.

"Time for us to go meet paul at the van." Liam replied. We all followed him out the door and into the elevator.

Elevators are clearly not made for 10 people. We were extremely cramped and squished. When we finnaly got to the lobby we raced out the doors to the Van to avoid being attacked by fans.

After a few short minutes we made it to Madison Square Garden. Surprisingly we made it on time. The boys were hustled into Wardrobe, Hair, and makeup. Today I would not be helping out because they had staff on deck for that at MSG. (a/n IDK if they really do at Madison Square Garden so just go with it :) )

At around 6:30 the girls and I went to our seats in the front row because we decided to wathc from the crowd tonight. We were taking our seats, when a girl around 15 or 16 spoke to me.

"Are you the slut thats dating Niall?" she sneered at me.

"Um excuse me wh the hell do you think you are?" Corinne came up next to me.

"Im Nialls future wife but this bitch is taking him from me." She pouted/glared at me.

"Listen toots, If you were a true directioner like your sing claims to be," corinne spoke jesturing to her hand made sign," You would be happy for him and not bully his girlfriend."

"Well your all sluts for dating one direction and taking them from my friends." The girl scoffed.

"Ohh Hellll nahh." Caitlyn gasped," Girl you are soo naieve. To think that one direction will ever like you for hating on theier girlfriends, is just plain stupid. Now please shut the f**** up before I make you." 

The shrank back into her seat while I high five Caitlyn and Corinne. We turned our attentioin back to the stage as the lights dimmed and the boys came out. They began singing NaNaNa and then ended the show with What Makes You Beautiful. Throughtout the whole show, I kept seeing that Bitch of a girl glare at me. Honestly though It didnt bug me because I was just having a fun time with my girls.

When the concert ended we headed back stage where the boys were doing a little meet and greet. It was so sweet how Dedicated to their fans or DTF as Harry thought. That boy could be so stupid. No wonder hes with Corinne. Lol Im just kidding.

Their meet and greet ended and we all went back to the hotel.

"Josh!" I called when we got back to the hotel and we were in out rooms changing, " Have you seen my penguin pajamas?"

"Seriously? why would I know where they are?" He hollered back.

"I was just asking! Goodness!"

Eventually I found my pajamaas and went out to the Living room where we would be having one big sliumber party. We all screwed around and eventually fell asleep.

This Is an amazing disfunctional family I have.

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