Can someone say Psyco?

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Corinnes POV

Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep. 

Grr that annoying beeping would not shut up! Also, why do my eyes feel like their a hundred pounds? All I want to do is open my eyes, and see where I am. Ok. On the count of three I will open my eyes.




I used all the strength I had and my eyes slowly peeped open. I was In a white room, and there were machines all around. Painfully, I turned my head and saw two IV bags. One with what looked like blood, and the other with a clear liquid. No one was in here either. Thats when I knew, I was in a hospital room. 

Why though? What had-- Wait now I remember. The sharp pain returned in my hip again. Lifting up my blanket, the sight below bewilderd me. There was a large bandage on the right side of my hip. Even though I knew I shouldnt, i began peeling up the bandage, when the creaking of the door startled me. 

In walked a man in a white lab coat, holding a clipboared."Ahh. Mrs. Anderson, your up!" He cheered.

"Um yeah." I replied sheepishly.

"Good. Good. Let me just check your stiches, and blood levels, and I will go get your friends."

"Ok." He bagan pulling back my blanket, and slightly lifting my shirt. I didnt want to look but I did. He peeled back the bandage, and there it was. A large scar, covered in stitches and dry blood.

"My my you are a lucky girl. The knife cute two major arteries, and into your appendix. The punture caused it to rupture, leaving us to rush you into surgery, on top of pumping you up with blood. Thank goodness for your friends. Another minute and you could of been dead."

"Wow I didnt relize it was that bad. Thank you for saving me." I whispered.

"Oh no problem. All in a days work." He grinned, "Now if youll excuse me, I'm going to go get your friends."


A few moments later, all of them burst throught the door."Oh my gosh! Corine!" Harry ran over and kissed me. "Thank goodness your ok!"

"Oh my! Um doctor? Is our baby ok?" I asked, a quick gasp escaping my mouth.

"Thankfully yes. If the wound wouldve been 2 inches higher, it wouldnt of been good. All in all you were a lucky girl. I also did forget to mention, you have a minor concution from when you feel over." The doctor spoke looking down at his clipboared.

"Oh ok thank you." I sighed in relif.

"Thank goodness you and the baby are ok." He muttered to me, and then proceded to lean down and kiss my belly.

Caitlyns POV

As soon as we got to the hospital, we all rushed up to the front desk. Each of us firing off a question about Corinne. Eventually we simered down and the older lady told us what we wanted.

Corinne was still passed out, in critical condition but stable, and we couldnt see her yet. So there we sat in the waiting room for what felt like erternity, until a man in a white lab coat came out saying she was awake and we could see her. 

Jumping out of our chairs, we raced down the hallway, following the doctor. Creaking open the door, all of our heads peeped inside. Corinne turned her head to look at where the noise came from. When she saw us, her face lit up like the fourth of July.

"Oh my gosh! Corine!" Harry ran over and kissed her. "Thank goodness your ok!"

From there on, we continued to chat. Corinne had to stay over night, and depending on her condition, would be released tomorrow. Even though alot happed to her, she was stable and doing well.

"Ok guys you have to leave. She needs to get rest and you need to go home." A nurse came in telling us.

"Can't we stay here overnight? Please? Shes our bestfriend and Harry's girlfriend." Louis begged.

"Oh all right, but I actually want sleeping at somepoint." The nurse laughed and walked out after checking Corinnes IV's and all that snazz.

"Well we have good news. After reporting to the police that the psyco path Brittany did this to you, they caught her a few miles away from the Staples Center." Zayn smiled proudly, while snaking his arm around Taylors waist.

"Thats Great!" Corinne beamed.

"Oh and also, we postponed going to Hawaii for a day. Instead of leaving tomorrow, we leave the day after." I interjected.

"Oh you didnt have to." Corinne smiled.

"But we did." I smiled to my twin.

"Ok. I'm really tired so I'm going to go to bed." Corinne yawned.

We all snuggled into our boyfriends, said our goodnights and doozed off into a peaceful sleep.

Kierras POV

Light streaming through the hospital blinds is what woke me up the next morning. Snuggling my head into Nialls shoulder,I tried to fall back to sleep. No luck. Deciding I might as weel get up, I rose from my spot, and went to the cafiteria to get everyone coffee. Well hot chocolate for me. I hate coffee.

I probrably look like the most awkward child ever, seeing as I was still in my attire from last night. Minus the mask. Reaching the cafiteria, I purchased nine coffees and One hot chocolate. How I managed to carry these all I will never know.,

Right about now, I bet your wondering where Paul is. He was here last night for a moment to make sure Corinne and all of us were ok, but then he went back to the hotel. So yeah.

Pushing open the door of the room, with my foot, I wandered in. I set the drinks on a nearby table. Hm still no one up. I know what to do. I grabbed my phone, went on youtube and typed in, "Party in the USA." I turned the volume up full blast and let it go.

"Yeahhh-eee-yeah-e-yeah-yeah its the party in the USA!' I sang along horribly and off key.

"Bahhhh!" Everyone shouted waking up from their deep slumbers.

"What the hell Kierra!" Zayn moaned his eyes still half closed.

"I brought coffee." I shrugged, walking over to the table and reaching for my hot chocolate.

"You are an Angel!" Lexie moaned taking a sip of her coffee.

"Oh so now you all thank me! I see how it is." I began to fake cry into Nialls chest.

"Oh get over it." Corinne retorted. Just then the nurse walked in holding what looked like Corinnes release papers.

"Here you are. All I need is you to sign here and here and your free to go." She smiled.

Corinne lifted the pen and sighned the pages that sat in front of her. While she was doing that the nurse left and brought back a wheelchair for her. The nurse took the papers and Harry helped Corinne into the wheelchair.

"Here we go!" I yelled as I grabbed the handles and rolled her out the door, down the long hallway, and out the front door of the hospital.

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