The question

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Josh's POV

After our stressful boarding of the plane, the rest of the flight was actually quite nice. Long but nice. When we did finall land, we grabbed our luggage, and bid our farewells to one another, and promiesed to see each other soon. Kierra followed me out to my car, where we loaded our luggage and went off to our apartment.

"Ugh Its so good to be home!" I moaned flopping onto the couch.

"Oh I agree, but you my friend need to unpack and do your laundry." Kierra corrected.

"Why must you always be so responsible?" I joked.

"Because your not!" She retorted with a chuckle.

"Oh whatever!"

I grabbed my suitcase, and hauled it into my bedroom. Carfully, I pulled out all my belongings, and put them in their place. Their was a knock at my door, and in popped Kierras head. "Josh? Can I ask you a question?" She quizzed.

"Of Course," I replied allowing her to come in more.

"Well Niall and I were thinking of maybe moving in together." She fumbled with her hands.

"Well Uh Kierra.. I mean you are 18 so I can't exactly say no, but I just want you to be absolutly positive about your desicion. Nialls a good boy, but you never know what could happen. I will however always be here for you. No matter what." I gave her a kind smile.

"Its just, I really want to, but I dont want to leave you yet." She mumbled crawling onto my bed.

"I know, I know. But I will only be a little bit away. Always." I kissed the top of her head.

"Thanks Josh." She smiled. Hopping of my bed, she padded back to her room.

"She just grew up to fast." I chuckled.

Kierras POV

I smiled to my self as I finished up my unpacking. There was a knock at the front door. I, being the good sister I was, went to go answer it. Standin at the door, was Niall, holding a bouqet of roses.

"I was thinking you and me could go out tonight. I have something special planned." He smiled. his checks red from the cold.

"Of course!" I replied taking the roses in one had, then proceding to kiss him." Wanna come in?"

"Can't," He frowned," Gotta go talk to managmetn, but I will be here at seven for our date. dress warm." 

"Well ok then see you then." I smiled, he then leaned in for a kiss, which i gladly accepted.

I shut the door, and proceeded to put the roses in a glass of water. Just now had I reized that the tour ended just in time for the holiday season. Good job management.

"Josh Im going out with Niall tonight!" I yelled. 

Checking the clock, I relised it was 5. Only two hours! I needed help. Dialling my friends numbers one at a time. They were all there within 5 miutes.

"Dibs on outfit!" Caitlyn called rushing to my closet.

"I got hair!" Corinne yelled.

"I get makeup!" Taylor yelled.

"I get music!" Lexie laughed.

"Thank you guys so much." I thanked them all.

I hopped in the shower while they were all getting ready. Corinne began on my hair as soon as I was done. The blew it dry, then curled it with the wand, leaving it all down. Taylor was next with makeup. She did It natural, but really pretty. Nect was Caitlyn with the outfit. She did a magnificent job. A grey plain zip uo hoodie, under a black lether jacket. Dark skinny jeans, a  dark red infinity scarf, and dark red combat boots.

"I love you guys!" I exclaimed looking in the mirror

"Oh ya know we try." Lexie shrugged.

"Time check?" I asked.

"6:55. He should be here soon." Taylor told us.

We all went out into the living room to chill for a moment."You guys can stay here with Josh and invite your boyfriends over if you want." I suggested. They all nodded. Niall rang the door bell at exactly 7.

"You ready to go?" He asked when i opened the door.

"Of course. Bye you guys!" I called over my shoulder.

"So where are we going?"I asked once we were in his car.

"Can't tell you. Thats top secret." He winked.

"Oh you. I bet Zayn or Liam knows!" I began to take my phone out.

"They do but they would never tell so dont even try."

"Oh all right."

We chit chatted the rest of the way. By now we were out in the country. The car crawled to a halt. In a rush to see where we were, I tugged open the door and clembered out. Niall was already by my door.

"Well someones a little excited, but I need you to put this blindfold on." He smiled sheepishly.

"Oh all right." I agreed.

He tied the blindfold around my eyes, and led me to someplace. Niall stopped walking, and so did I. The blindfold was taken off, and the sight took my breathe away. Tea lights were strung up all over the bare trees. A red wool blanket was strewn across the grass in front of a frozen pond. Ice skates sat atop the blanket. A picnic basket sat close by aswell.

"Niall this is beautiful!" I gasped hugging him and kissing him.

"Shall we?" He gestured toward the ice skates.

"Yes, we shall." I giggled.

Niall and I slipped out our skates, then carefully made our way down to the frozen waters edge. Taking my hand in his, Niall led me out onto the slippery surface. I laughed my butt off when Niall fell on his butt.

"You clutz." I exclaimed helping him up and kissing his nose.

"But you know you love it." He laughed.

"Of course and I love you."

Niall and I continued to skate and laugh, slipping in a few conversations here and there. Best date ever with this lad. He could be the one. Niall actually made me feel loved. And I loved hime.

"Wanna eat now?" Niall asked his cheeks flushed from the cold, making him look adorable.

"Sure." I grinned.

Sitting down on the warm blanket, Niall pulled out a thermos of hot chocolate, two mugs, and two cinnamon roles. I love cinnamon roles. He poured some of the stemaing liquid in my mug and some in his.

"Niall this has to be the best dat ever no lie." I spoke after taking a sip.

"Only for you." He replied. His familar sparkly eyes staring into mine. "Hey, I got you an early Christmas present." He smile reaching into jacket pocket. He pulled out a little blue box, which I instantly recognized as tiffany.

"Niall you shouldnt have." I smiled kindly.

"But I wanted to." He grinned opening the box to show me what was inside. Resting on the little piece of cotton inside was a necklace. The pendant was a heart while an N encrusted with dimonds inside.

"Niall Its beautiful!" I gasped crushing him in a hug and kissing him.

"Would you like me to put it on you?" He asked.

"Of course."

He lifted the hair off my neck, and clasped the necklace around my neck. I turned back aorund, and engulfed him in another hug.

"I love you so much," I whispered to him.

"I love you to Kierra."


Hope you all enjoyed this chapter as much as I did. Lil short but I posted earlier so It makes up for it. Comment vote and fan! Love you all!!!!

--Kama <3

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