Chapter 5

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Matt sat down in Nick's office the next morning. Nick was staring at his laptop, while Noelle was standing behind him, looking over his shoulder. She turned her attention back to Matt. "You ready to do this?"

"More than ready," he said eagerly.

She handed him a bag. "This is your laptop. It's set up for all of this. Pack files, the entire liaison schedule, so you can see who's where whenever you want."

Nick looked up at him. "We're going out to Columbia Pack next week, if you'd like to tag along. Should be a routine visit. Simple enough."

Matt nodded. "I'd appreciate that. I want to learn this so I can help out since everyone's having pups and preoccupied."

"It'll definitely help having you join in. Liam and Finn have been a lot of help as well," Nick told him.

"Is Astrid doing pack visits?" Matt asked curiously. She hadn't been before, not in quite a while, and he'd been a bit worried about her. She'd lived for so long without her mate.

"She is with Liam. She actually trained him." Nick smiled.

Matt nodded. He was glad she'd finally found Liam. He'd met the man a few times, and was looking forward to getting to know him. "Whatever you want to teach me, I'm more than willing."

"How well do you know the packs?" Nick asked him.

"Probably better than I do," Noelle grumbled.

Nick turned and pulled her into his lap. "Are you jealous, Darling?"

She frowned at him.

Matt laughed. "She's not wrong. My dad quizzed me on them constantly."

"So who is the Alpha of Columbia Pack?" Nick asked him.

"Alpha Arlo Delaney and his Luna is Katie. His Beta is Mark Schultz, Beta Female is Amber, Gamma is Jesse Cooper and Gamma Female is Ivy," Matt said.

Nick's eyebrows shot up and Noelle glared at him. "Show off," she muttered.

He smirked back at her.

"Well, make sure you look over the old notes in the pack files before we go so at least you have an idea of what to look for," Nick said. "Any questions?"

"Nope. But if you need me for anything else, please let me know," Matt said.

Nick nodded and smiled. "I will."

Matt got up and left the office, then headed back up to his apartment.



Where are you?

Headed back home from a meeting with Nick.

Can I see you?

He sighed. Okay. Where?

Where's your new apartment?

Same floor. Other end. I'll wait for you in the hallway.


He stopped outside of his door to wait for her and saw her appear a few moments later around the corner.

"Hey," she said softly as she walked up to him.


"So let's see it." She motioned to the door and Matt looked at her before opening it up.

"Noelle was going to move here if she hadn't mated Nick," Matt told her.

"I'm probably going to be getting my own place, too," Aria told him.

Bloodlines: Fated Mates (Book 6 Of The Regal Eclipse Pack Series)Where stories live. Discover now