Chapter 36

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Matt woke the next morning to Abby's fingers tracing over his abs. He smiled to himself. He liked that she was unafraid to touch him, that she was comfortable around him. He knew a big part of it was her lack of knowledge, but they'd get there.

He'd had a hard time going to sleep last night because he's been so aroused from what he'd done to her. He'd gone over it a few times in his mind, knowing it wasn't helping, before he'd finally had to turn his thoughts elsewhere or he would never sleep. She'd fallen asleep quickly, blissfully unaware.

This morning, she was going to get hit with his family and meeting Daniel. He could understand why she was nervous about Daniel. Her only exposure to an Alpha was Cassius and even though she'd never met him, she'd always been told to stay away from him. Given what Matt knew about the guy, he was glad she'd never met him. He would have mated her off to some random Alpha. Maybe the Alpha of Sierra Nevada, given that he'd tried to mate his sons to his sister, Persephone who had been crazy. At least Blake seemed pretty normal, or so Matt had heard. He'd never actually met the guy.

The big thing for her though, was the conversation she needed to have with Daniel. He had no idea what his Alpha knew though he was certain he wasn't completely in the dark. Daniel pretty much always knew what was going on.

Matt has spent more time in his apartment then he normally did and was unaware of anything happening. Not that it was a big deal but he did like to know. Just like his father. While he may not be related to Ragnar by blood he still took after him in more ways than one.

"How did you sleep?" he asked Abby.

"Well, thank you," she responded.

"We need to get up so we don't miss breakfast this morning." His words immediately made her nervous and he could sense the change in her. He didn't have to be able to feel her emotions to notice it. "What are you more nervous about? Meeting my family or Daniel?

"The Alpha," she said softly.

He kind of figured that. Taking her down into the dining hall meant that she was going to get hit with both of them at the same time, which may be just too overwhelming for her.

"I have an idea," he said. "I'm going to get ready and go down there and grab us breakfast while you get yourself ready for the day. We'll eat here and then I'm going to take you over to Astrid and Liam's and let you hang out with them for a bit while I go talk to Daniel about everything and let him know what's all going on."

He immediately felt the change in her. "Okay," she said.

"You do have to meet him though, but I'll go meet him with him first. I know he's going to have a lot of questions and this way when you do meet him, it won't be prolonged."

She nodded but didn't say anything.

"Are you okay with hanging out with Astrid and Liam?" Matt was paying more attention to her body language than what she said.

"Yes," she responded.

Hopefully Astrid and Liam were okay with it, though. He thought Liam might jump at the chance to spend time with his sister. And Abby seemed fine with it. She was more relaxed than she was when he talked about her meeting Daniel.

Two hours later he was seated in front of Daniel's desk next to his father. Daniel looked worn out, and Ragnar had filled him in on what was going on with Ian.

"Is he going to make it?" Matt asked in concern. His heart ached for Aria and what she must be going through.

"One way or another," Daniel said. "I've given him blood twice now."

Bloodlines: Fated Mates (Book 6 Of The Regal Eclipse Pack Series)Where stories live. Discover now