Chapter 59

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"If at any time you want me to stop, tell me to, okay?" Matt said, studying her face.

She nodded.

"I mean it, Abby, if you don't like what I'm doing, tell me to stop," he said.

"I will," she agreed.

"Okay. Let's get naked." He stood and pulled off his shirt, watching as she sat up and began to do the same. His eyes traveled over her body as she pulled off her clothes, revealing it to him.

She stood and slid off the jeans and turned back to him. She was so beautiful, and so completely unaware of it.

Her hands immediately went for him, touching his abs, and traveling down to his cock, lightly touching it. He closed his eyes in ecstasy, briefly, before he began to kiss her, distracting her from touching him.

He picked her up, and laid her on the bed and settled down next to her. She immediately rolled on her side, and began kissing him, to his surprise.

His hands closed over her nipples, pulling gently on them, before he rolled her back over and closed his mouth on one, causing her to moan, as she grabbed his head, running her fingers through his hair.

He lifted his head to look at her. "You okay so far?"

"Please don't stop," she said a bit breathlessly.

He directed his attention back to her other nipple and licked at it, listening to her soft moans. Then he moved back up to her mouth.

She was very aroused already, he realized, as she kissed him greedily. He slipped his hand down in between her legs, and stroked her gently. He didn't want her to cum yet, but he did want to make sure she was wet enough that it wouldn't be too uncomfortable for her.

He slipped between her legs, and met her gaze. "Are you ready?"

She bit her lip and nodded.

"It's going to hurt a bit, Abby, but once we do it a few times, it won't hurt," he said.

"Really bad?"

"No. I'll go slow. If it's too much, tell me, okay?" And somehow, he'd find his control and stop.

She swallowed and nodded. She was nervous; he could plainly see it.

He kissed her some more distracting her, and relaxing her, then he began to slowly enter her.

She stared up at him, her eyes wide at the sensation.

"You okay?" He slid in a bit further and stopped. He wanted to just push it all the way in, but he absolutely couldn't do that. One day.

She nodded, and he kissed her again before pushing further in. She was a virgin, which he'd expected and he pushed past that and saw her eyes flicker in surprise. But she didn't ask him to stop.

He slid the rest of the way in and stopped, watching her face. "Are you okay?"

"Yes. It just feels really.. I don't know," she murmured.

"Does it hurt?"

"A bit, but not as bad as I thought," she admitted. "This is sex?"

"Yeah." He kissed her gently. "This is sex. This is me mating you."

"Does it hurt you?"

"No. It feels amazing," he said. Somehow, he had to keep from cumming too soon. She felt incredible and he could feel the tingles.

"So what now?"

He laughed. "Now we get to the good part." He began to move, slowly at first, as he watched her face. It didn't take long until she was moaning again, and he could tell she really was enjoying it. "Abby," he said softly.


"Does Sage know how to mark me? When to?" Maybe he should have talked to her about it before but he sort of had, just not tonight.

She was quiet for a moment. "Yes, she knows."

"Okay, I want to do that," he said.

She met his gaze. "Okay."

He watched her face, looking for the tell tale sign that she was reaching her peak that he was already starting to recognize, holding back his own. He saw her canines appear as she got close.

"You ready?"

She nodded and moaned.

He sank his canines into her neck as he felt her do the same, as pain, then immense pleasure washed through him, as their bond clicked into place. He pulled back and lightly licked at the spot, then looked at her.

"Wow," she murmured.

"Yeah," he agreed. "Are you okay?"

She nodded. "I feel you."

He nodded. "I feel you, too." He could feel her wonder, and that she was mostly calm, but he could also feel something underneath it all. She was falling in love with him. He smiled, and kissed her. He started to move off of her, but she locked her legs around him.

"Not yet," she said, and reached up to touch his cheek. "Thank you."

He smiled. He understood what she meant. Rescuing her from her previous life as a rogue, and again now, and giving her a family.

She unlocked her legs and he got up and walked into the bathroom, grabbing a warm cloth to clean them both up, before he crawled back in bed with her, and pulled her against him.

She snuggled into him, burying her face into his neck.

"Good night, Abby. I love you," he whispered before dropping off to sleep.


Cassius Anderson didn't make it through the night, and Dominic had a feeling he'd let go, knowing his children were safe.

Surprisingly, his sons helped Dominic bury the body on his own property. Neither one of them shed a tear, which really didn't surprise him. The man had done a lot of damage to them both while he was alive and both of them had thought him dead months ago.

They'd both worked silently, more or less doing their duty, and then they'd both disappeared into the house to shower. He had a feeling they were both ready to return to their mates, and forget about the man who had sired them.

Dominic had showered as well, before returning to the kitchen to make breakfast for nine hungry werewolves. It was nice to have company for once, even if they were less than thrilled to be there.

He had a full meal prepared and ready by the time they appeared, and he watched them all settle down at the table before he sat down himself.

"He's gone?" Daniel asked him quietly?

"In the middle of the night," Dominic said.

Daniel nodded and the meal progressed without much communication. "We're going to head on out. I'm not sure whether to thank you for your hospitality or glare at you for taking Abby, so I'm not going to do either."

Dominic nodded.

"How long til I see you again?" Daniel asked him.

"Um.. am I allowed?" Maybe this was going to go better than he thought.

Daniel raised an eyebrow at him.

"I'm going to find their mother."


"Because I'm bored and I enjoy the hunt. Plus I have many contacts, wolf and human, so I should be able to," Dominic told him.

"Then I suppose we'll see you then," Daniel said.

Dominic nodded, bowing his head to the Alpha King. He watched them leave, and sighed. He hadn't had this much excitement in a while. It felt good, even if he hadn't done it in the best way possible. But he would find Diane Anderson. How hard could it be to track down one woman?

Bloodlines: Fated Mates (Book 6 Of The Regal Eclipse Pack Series)Where stories live. Discover now