Chapter 47

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They'd searched all the way around the lake, looking for Abby or the rogue's scents. Trevor had discovered that they had driven the boat across the lake, got off at the dock, loaded the small boat on their vehicle quickly along with Abby and driven away.

They spent several long minutes sniffing the area where the vehicle had taken off.

Three rogues, Ragnar mumbled. And something else. Is that what I think it is? Daniel, get Caleb out here.

Daniel immediately sent a mind link to his father, asking him to come out to the area.

Caspian continued to sniff the area. Matt, couldn't believe someone had taken Abby. He felt panic creeping through him at the fact that somebody had stolen his mate. He hadn't marked her yet as his. She wasn't a member of his pack as of yet which meant she was still mortal. He paced back and forth, waiting for Caleb to show up. He had no idea what his father had found but he knew Ragnar had the best nose out there. Even better than Caleb's.

Caleb's wolf, Storm showed up a few moments later. Daniel told me what's going on, he linked them all. What did you find?

Take a sniff around and tell me what you smell, Ragnar said, wanting to see what Caleb thought

Storm began to work over the area, carefully sniffing the ground. He worked back and forth, methodically. A she-wolf, three rogues, and.. he grew quiet for a long moment, sniffing carefully. He stopped and swung his head around to Ragnar.

You smell it too, Ragnar said.

Yeah, I do. I haven't smelled that in years. Hundreds of years. I didn't think that they still existed. Storm stopped in one spot and sniffed deeply.

What are you guys not telling us? Nick asked

That panther that attacked Matt is a shifter, Ragnar said.

What? Daniel growled.

Are you sure? Nick asked

Positive, Ragnar confirmed.

Yeah, I think so too, Caleb agreed. It's definitely a panther shifter. I've only come across one once and that was...

Over five hundred years ago, Ragnar said. Before you boys were even born.

Why would a panther shifter want Abby? Nick asked

That's the question. We need to head back and check out the footage that Trevor has. He's sifting through everything to see what he can find, Daniel said.

Caspian was busy, still pacing the area and listening to their conversation. He felt sick to his stomach, worried about her. Why hadn't he marked her earlier? He could have done it. He could have had sex with her. She wouldn't have objected.

His quiet, beautiful, shy little mate had been kidnapped, and he hadn't been able to protect her. He howled in defeat and frustration.

The others looked at him, their ears flicking back and forth at his mournful howl, before they turned to head back to the pack house

Ragnar stayed behind, waiting for his son. We're going to find more information going back and looking at the footage then we will here sniffing out the area.

That panther attack just seemed like a distraction, Matt said to him.

It was. They wanted her. But I'm really not sure why. You need to think very carefully, Matt, back over everything that you two have talked about over the last few days. Think over the conversations in your mind and see if there's something she might have told you that might seem insignificant but really isn't.

Bloodlines: Fated Mates (Book 6 Of The Regal Eclipse Pack Series)Where stories live. Discover now