Chapter 19

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Abby held tightly to Matt's hand as the plane took off. She'd never been on a plane before and felt nervous. She felt nervous about everything right now, heading into the unknown.

Sage seemed certain that they could trust Matt though, and Abby did feel safe with him. Safe enough to agree to fly across the country in a metal box with him.

She was uncertain about the others, especially the men. But Matt seemed to trust them, so she would stay close to Matt and let him protect her. He seemed more than willing to let her hold his hand the entire time.

Her gaze darted over the others carefully, not wanting them to catch her looking at them. She recognized the woman Matt had called Noelle. She was pretty with long brown wavy hair. She was sitting next to the guy Matt had referred to as Nick. He also had brown hair and he was typing away on a laptop while she had her head resting on his shoulder.

The other two were both blond and sitting together as well, talking quietly. She noticed them holding hands. The guy smelled odd to her, though she wasn't sure why.

Her gaze darted back to Matt. He'd been nothing but kind to her so far, helping her to relax. She liked when he touched her, liked the tingles she felt. He made her body feel pleasantly warm.

They were flying back to his pack, which made her a bit apprehensive.  She wasn't comfortable being around a bunch of people. She never had been before. It had always mostly just been her and Marcie.

Now, she had Matt. Her soul mate. Her other half. She wasn't quite sure what all that entailed, but she supposed she'd find out. She looked out the window, watching the clouds and the landscape curiously. It looked so strange from up here. She liked the clouds though and wished she could reach out and touch them.

After a bit, she saw one of the men get up and carry Noelle back to the back of the plane. She was sleeping, Abigail realized. She leaned her own head against the cool window, Matt still holding her hand, and closed her eyes, the dull roar of the plane lulling her to sleep.


A soft rubbing of her arm, woke her awhile later and she looked up to see Matt smiling at her. "Matt?"

"We've landed. You slept the whole trip. You ready?"

No, she wasn't, but for him, she'd try. She slowly stood, aware of his eyes on her. She knew he was concerned that she would fall again, but she'd found her balance. She was fine.

She followed the others off the plane, Matt close behind her. She eyed the vehicles the others were headed over to. Even that had been nerve wracking to her as she hadn't been in a car very much. She'd never really gone anywhere.

She climbed in, sitting next to Noelle, while Matt got in behind her. He thankfully took her hand in his, squeezing it gently.

The ride took longer than she liked, but the scenery was interesting, and she wished she'd sat closer to the window. It wasn't at all like California or Washington. Or Oregon, she supposed. She would have had to travel through that state to get up into Washington.

The house they pulled up to was very big and very beautiful. She got out slowly, looking it over before she looked at Matt.

"I have an apartment here. I know it looks huge, but it'll be just you and me there," he said softly. "You'll be safe."

She nodded in apprehension. She needed to trust him. She felt him take her hand again and she began to calm down.

He led her inside and she spotted the pool through the glass on the far wall. She had never been in a pool, though she could remember Marcie taking her out to play in a creek when she'd been very young.

Everyone else walked into a room off to the left, but Matt took her into a small room with doors that moved on their own off to the right. The room felt weird and she moved closer to him, unsure of what was happening. An earthquake? But he didn't seem fazed, and the doors opened again and he led her back out of the room. She frowned as she realized they were somewhere different and stopped, looking around.

"What's wrong?" Matt asked her.

"Is it.. magic?"

He frowned, which made her sad. "Is what magic?"

"The room."

He looked around the room. "No?"

"The room we just left."

He suddenly smiled. "It's an elevator. It moves up and down between floors."

"That's an elevator?" She asked in awe. She'd heard of them, but she'd never been on one.


"Can we.." she looked at him. "Can we do it again?"

His eyes widened a bit, but he nodded. "Sure."

They walked back over to the door, and he hit a button on the wall. The doors opened and they walked inside the room. "Do you know what an elevator is?"

"Yes. I've just never been on one." She said.

"Well, we have two here in the pack house. You hit the button to bring it to your floor, then you hit a button here to go to whichever floor you want to go to. G stands for ground and it'll take you back to where we came from." He hit that button and the doors closed and the elevator began to move.

Abby felt her stomach drop a bit. It was such a strange sensation, and over much too soon. The doors opened and on the other side stood a blond man with intense blue eyes. She scooted closer to Matt.

The man stepped onto the elevator and looked at the both, a smile on his face.

"Abigail, this is my father, Ragnar. Dad, my mate, Abigail," Matt said, taking her hand in his again.

The blond man looked at her in surprise and smiled. "Hi Abigail."

She swallowed. This was Matt's dad. She didn't have a dad. She had a mom, but no dad. "Hi," she said, dropping her gaze, before glancing up at him again. He was looking at Matt now and not at her. He was handsome, she thought. He didn't look old enough to be Matt's father.

The elevator doors opened again and his father gave them both a smile. "I'll see you two later." He got off the elevator.

"This is our stop too," Matt said, leaving the elevator with her in tow. "Come on. I'll show you where we live."

"With your father?" She would assume he lived with his father. Did he have a mother too?

"No. I live alone, though my brother would like to live with me. There's not enough room for me in their apartment," he said.

And so he'd had to leave? She didn't think that sounded fair. But knowing he lived alone made her feel a bit more comfortable. It would be just him and her.

He stopped in front of a door and unlocked it, then pulled her inside. She looked around at the living room and small kitchen.

"I haven't lived here very long. It's kind of plain. But now that you're here, we can decorate however you want," he said.

Her eyes widened at that. Decorate huh? She wasn't sure how to go about that, but she supposed she'd learn. Marcie's house had been full of different knick knacks and figurines. She could spend hours looking at them. Marcie had called them dust collectors. They'd always been there for as long as she could remember.

"Come on. Let me show you the rest," Matt said, taking her hand again.

There was a room that was completely empty, another that had a desk in it and the third had a bed in it and some furniture. The last door, he opened to a very large room.

Bloodlines: Fated Mates (Book 6 Of The Regal Eclipse Pack Series)Where stories live. Discover now