Chapter 53

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Abby woke slowly. She felt groggy and disconcerted and she lay there for a few moments trying to remember exactly what had happened to her.

The big cat. She thought it might have been a panther. She hadn't got a very good look at it though. She'd been afraid but Sage had been in control, not her and when Matt told them to run, they had.

She'd ran in the direction of the pack house but it hadn't gone the way she wanted it to and she'd been kidnapped. She didn't remember much else, just them grabbing her and then everything had gone dark.

She remembered waking up on the plane and the man who had been there. He had smelled odd. But he said he was something else. She had no idea what that something else was. She never been around humans before even, though he'd said he wasn't human.

But he had been nice enough though she still didn't trust him. He was very good looking with his black hair and startlingly blue eyes. He also said the one thing that had given her hope. She would be returned to her mate.

Thoughts of Matt entered her mind and she felt her heart ache at being away from him. She was much more attached to him than she realized. But she remembered Marcie's words. He's your other half. She could see that easily even though she hadn't known him for long. Matt was her everything and she needed to be back with him.

She glanced around the room she was in slowly. It wasn't the same room that she'd been in earlier. This one was much larger and very nice. She never been in a room this nice before.

She climbed out of the bed and felt plush carpet beneath her feet. He hadn't given her any shoes. She walked over to the door and tried to open it but it was locked. Her gaze moved around the room, and she spotted another door across the room and walked over to it. This room wasn't locked but she was disappointed to see that it was a bathroom. She still took advantage of it before walking back out to the bedroom.

Abby sighed. There wasn't much else she could do except wait. Hopefully she wouldn't be waiting too long. She wanted to go home. Home. It was nice to have a home. She realized if Matt was with her she'd feel safe anyways.

Her thoughts drifted to Liam and Finn. She missed them too, she realized. She really wanted to go home. She laid back down on the bed and wrapped herself up in the blanket she'd been laying under earlier. It was soft and a bit of a comfort to her right now.

Time passed and she lay there, staring and waiting.

Finally the door opened and the man from yesterday walked inside. He was wearing something different now. A blue t-shirt and a pair of jeans. He seemed relaxed. He grabbed a chair and walked over to her setting it down next to the bed. Then he sat down in it.

Abby sat up watching him wearily. She pulled the blanket around herself tighter. "When can I leave?"

"Well good morning to you too, Abigail." Soon I promise. I won't keep you here forever. I know you need to get back to your mate, especially since you haven't completed the mate bond with him yet."

She didn't respond to that. She just watched him wearily, trying to decide what he was up to.

"How are you feeling?"

She frowned at him. "Annoyed."

He laughed, a pleasant sound, and his face lit up. "Well I like an honest woman. I brought you some clothes. The bathroom is over there and you can take a shower if you'd like. I will come back for you in thirty minutes and then take you down to breakfast. After that, you can meet my other guest and then we'll discuss you returning to your mate."

"And that's it?"

"That's it. Nothing nefarious. I apologize about the kidnapping but I had my own reasons for it. I truly do mean you no harm," he said.

Abby shot him a glare.

He smiled back at her. "You really are delightful. Too bad you have a mate. I wouldn't mind bedding you. But you wouldn't enjoy it. And I don't rape women." He stood, walked across the room and grabbed the bag he brought with him before coming back over to her  "Clothes," he said and dropped them on the bed. "I'll be back."

Abby watched him go and breathed out a small sigh of relief. All she had to do was get clean, eat breakfast and meet someone and then she'd find out when she could go home. She hoped it was that simple. It didn't seem like it should be, but at the moment she'd do what she needed to.

She headed into the bathroom with a bag of clothes. The shower was large and reminded her of Matt's shower making her sadder. She turned on the water, letting it heat up before she got in. She took her time in there. She desperately missed Matt. Tears were falling and she hadn't even realized it.

Finally, she got out, dried herself off, and began to get dressed in the new clothes. He provided her with another pair of jeans and a pretty floral top. There was a pair of panties and a bra, and socks. No shoes again she thought. If she was to run from this place, she'd want shoes. Hopefully he kept his word.

He returned when he said he would, this time knocking on the door before he entered. "Are you ready to go down for breakfast?"

"Yes." She was starving. She wasn't sure how much time had gone by since her last meal. Too much.

She followed him out of the room, looking around the place in awe. She'd never been in a place like this one before and she really wanted to explore and look at everything. The hallways were wide and covered in paintings among other things. She could spend hours here looking around.

She followed Dominic downstairs, and into a dining room. He seated her to the right of the head of the table, then sat down at the head. He pulled the covers off the meal. 

The scent was tantalizing and her stomach growled in response. Her gaze darted up to Dominic but he just smiled. "Dig in."

The food was delicious and she ate quickly.

"You want more?" He asked, eyeing her empty plate.

"Please." She was still hungry.

He stood, grabbing his plate and hers. "Come on."

She stood as well and followed him through a door off to the side. They passed through a small, long hall with a counter on both sides. Then they entered the kitchen.

It was huge with plenty of counter space and the nicest kitchen she'd ever seen. She slowed when she entered, looking around. There was a huge island in the middle of the room and Dominic sat his own plate down on it, before taking hers over to the stove and dishing her up more food.

He turned back to her. "Mind if we finish eating in here?"


He sat her plate down in front of her. "This is where I normally eat anyway."

"Do you live with a lot of people?" She asked curiously.

"No, I live alone," he said.


"I have people who come in and clean for me, but this house is too much. I kind of hate it," he said quietly.

Abby watched him quietly through her lashes. When she finished, she set her silverware down and looked up at him.

He took her plate and loaded it into the dishwasher, then turned back to her. "I'm going to take you back up to your room for now. It won't be very long. I need to inform my guest that you're here. Then I'll come get you."

She nodded. "Who is it?"

"You'll see."

She followed him out of the kitchen and back up to the bedroom she'd been in before.

"I'll be back," he said and left the room, closing the door behind him.

Abby sat back down on the bed and pulled the blanket around her before she laid down to wait.

Bloodlines: Fated Mates (Book 6 Of The Regal Eclipse Pack Series)Where stories live. Discover now