Chapter 60

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The small cafe was off the beaten path, but it was well-known to the locals, and a favorite. Plants hung from the windows, craving the sunlight, while teapots, and coffee cups adorned the walls.

There were only four tables inside, and the one furthest away from the wall was occupied by a woman, who was slowly drinking a caramel macchiato and reading a book.

It had become her morning routine for the last month, and the girls that worked the cafe always had the macchiato ready for her at precisely 8:30 in the morning. She'd come in and sit for a half hour, before she again disappeared out onto the street, headed for an unknown destination.

But this morning was different, and a man with black hair and blue eyes sat down at her table, across from her, startling her. "You are a very difficult woman to track down."

She glared at him, annoyed that he had interrupted her morning routine. "That's because I don't want to be found."

He lifted an eyebrow at her. "I think you do for the right reason."

"And what might that be?" She highly doubted it. The only person from her past that knew she was still alive had died. She'd felt it, felt the break of the bond and saw the mark on her neck disappear. She wasn't sad about it, only felt relief.

"Your children."

Her heart softened at his words. "Finn and Liam?"

"And Abigail," he replied.

Her lips parted at that. "She's missing."

"No, she's not. She's in Pennsylvania with her brothers," he responded, giving her a small smile.

"I don't believe you." How could she?

"I thought you might say that." He pulled out a photo and showed it to her.

She stared down at it and her heart broke. It was all three of her children, together for the first time outside of her womb. She stared at them for a long time. Her two boys, so very much alike, and their beautiful sister, who looked very much like herself. All three with the same colored hair and similar eyes.

She could easily tell them apart and knew that Finn was standing on Abby's right, while Liam was on her left. She brushed at a tear as she looked at them, and moved the photo back across the table.

"You keep it. It means much more to you than it does to me," he told her.

"Who are you?"

"Dominic Beckham. I've been searching for you for your children and with Daniel Remington's blessing. I would like to take you to them. I have a plane and they would love to see you," he told her.

She sat, both hands wrapped around the cup, as she stared down at the photo. It alone was a gift. "Are they happy?"

"Yes. They are," he assured her. "But they want to see you."

She sighed, and brushed at the tears again as she stared into her macchiato. She lifted it to her lips, and took the last sip, before she looked up at met his gaze. "Okay. Take me to them."


Dominic's plane landed on Regal Eclipse Pack lands later that evening, and he and Diane came down the steps to find her three children and their mates waiting for them.

She was thrilled to see them all, and cried tears of joy, hugging them tightly to her.

"Abby, you're so beautiful now." She murmured, brushing her long hair back. "And you're mated?"

Abby nodded, tears streaming down her own cheeks. "Yes. To Matt."

"Are you happy?"

"Very," she said through her tears.

"Good." She turned back to her sons and greeted their mates, whom she hadn't met yet.

"Mom, this is Astrid," Liam introduced.

"And Emily," Finn said.

Diane glanced up at him in surprise. She thought Finn had said she was human, but maybe she was wrong. "It's wonderful to meet both of you."

"Also, Emily and I are having a pup," Finn said proudly.

"What?" That started the tears up again. Her son who she'd been afraid would never settle seemed happy and about to have pups of his own.

"Yup. Come on, let's head back to the pack house," Finn said.

They started across the tarmac towards the waiting SUVs, and Matt glanced back at Dominic, who was standing there with his hands in his pockets. "You coming?"

Dominic's eyebrows shot up. He'd been standing a few feet away, watching the entire reunion. "Am I allowed?"

Matt smirked at him. "They've already arranged a room for you."

Dominic hurried over to catch up with them as they headed back to the pack house.


"You're what?" Daniel stared at his mother and father in shock.

The entire Remington Family was gathered in one of the large rooms downstairs on the main level of the pack house. Caleb had called them all down, telling them they had an announcement to make.

The entire room was now silent as they all stared at Caleb and Charlotte.

Caleb smiled widely at Daniel. "She's pregnant."

"Did you guys plan this?" Charity, Daniel's sister asked.

"No it wasn't planned. It just happened," Charlotte said, her hands already resting on her belly.

"Huh," Daniel muttered

"Are you upset about it?" Charlotte asked him.

He looked at her, hearing the hurt in her voice. "No Mom. I'm not upset about it at all. I'm just shocked." He stepped forward and wrapped his arms around her. "I didn't think you two would have any more pups."

"Neither did we," said Caleb.

"Told you something was in the drinking water," Ragnar said to Matt with a smile.

Bloodlines: Fated Mates (Book 6 Of The Regal Eclipse Pack Series)Where stories live. Discover now