Chapter 61♡

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(Phoebe's P.O.V)
It had been a few weeks now and Harper was growing so much. Me and Finn had both created a routine for her. Her crying moments had subsided. I had a doctor's appointment with her in the morning. She was perfect. I was looking forward to Olivia and Elliot's wedding. I was also feeling better in terms of my mental health as well. Seeing a counsellor had been really good for me. I was also making sure that I was taking time out for myself too. The ladies had been great at giving me tips. Nina had said to just rock her back and forth in my arms for a bit. Olivia said to get a little baby night light for her bedroom. She also said that might help her sleep. Harper loved a good contact nap as well. She adored being so close to me. It was nice being able to share that time with her.

Finn was sleeping. He was such a good father. I was starting to realize that he was starting to buy books. The ones where it tells you about each stage of a baby. He wanted to know everything. Hearing the monitor, I went to see to our little princess. Opening the bedroom door, I heard her making noises in her sleep.. "Hey little one." Stroking her cheek, she continued to make cute, little sounds. Picking her up, I gazed at her. She was just so gorgeous. Her brown eyes were too cute.😍 "You are so adorable. Do you know that you still have so many more people to meet? Mommy's work colleagues will love you." As she gurgled, I just thought about how me and Finn were as a couple now. The love that we have for each other has just exploded in the best way!

Settling her, I kissed her cheeks. Looking at her, I just smiled. Heading back to our bedroom, Finn asked if our little one was okay. "She's keeping me on my toes as always. She's just too cute." Finn kissed me. "It's only 4.45am." I yawned. "I'm so tired." Finn placed his arms on my waist.. "Do you know how much I love you?" I guessed. "To the moon and back?' He nodded.. "Of course. I love you lots and lots." Heading back to sleep for a little bit, I heard the alarm.

"Erugh." Finn kissed me. "You're such a good mom." I thanked him. "You're a really good dad. Our little bub loves you so much." He thanked me. 'Would you like me to sort Harper out? You can rest if you want. Babe, you have been up like half the night.' He was right. 'If you could, I would really appreciate it.' He kissed me again. As he went to see to her, I heard my phone. Seeing an appointment reminder and a message from Amanda.


Morning! How are you feeling? Just checking in.. x

Texting her back, I yawned. I was shattered! 'Baby girl.. it's okay. It's alright.' He was so good with her.

Hey Amanda. I'm so tired. Harper was up and down with her sleeping last night. Finn has decided to take care of her this morning. He's so sweet.

She texted me back.

Aw bless you. Unfortunately, that's normal. Her sleep pattern will get better soon. If you were up for it, would you like to go out for a walk later?

Hearing our little girl cry wasn't the best feeling. Finn then calmed her down. 'Alright Harper..' He stood by our bedroom door. 'You two are so cute.' Turning over, Finn smiled at me. 'We are aren't we?' As he sat down on the bed, he kissed her on the forehead. 'You are such a cutie. Daddy's little princess.' I nodded. She already had him wrapped around her little finger.

(Ariel's P.O.V)

I had been having the same nightmare for a few weeks now. It was the same terrifying, scary nightmare. Dawson had locked me in another bedroom and he grabbed my hand, taken me to the bed. He then started kissing me.. I didn't even say yes. He then licked my neck. I tried to tell him to stop. 'Ariel.' My trance stopped. It was Dad. 'Yes?' He asked if he could come in. Sitting upwards in my bed, he opened the door. 'Morning.' As he gave me the cup of tea, I thanked him. 'Morning.' It was nice just having him sit with me. 'When are you going suit shopping with the boys?' He said that he was going to do that tomorrow. "Your brother is going to look really handsome." I agreed. "How are things going with you and Jason?" I smiled. Thinking of him made me feel happy. "Things are so good with him." Dad smiled. "That's really good to hear. How is Blake and Ava?"

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