Chapter 24♡

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(Nina's P.O.V)

After having a shower, I knocked on my son's bedroom door. "Come in." I asked if he was ready to talk. "Mom.." Seeing him get emotional, I hugged him. Kissing his forehead, I comforted him.. "Shh.. shhh.." Looking at him, I smiled. "You're the best thing that's happened to me." He held on to me. "Really?" I said yes. "Me and your dad would like to talk to you though." Heading downstairs with him, I looked at my man. "Is he ready?"

Looking at him as he sat down on the couch, I told him that he was crying earlier. "Was he?" I nodded. "How are we supposed to tell him? What if he runs off? What he rebels?" Simon walked over to me. Placing his arms around me, I calmed down. "We will be there to catch him." He then took my hand. Walking over to the couch, we looked at him. "Right, first of all, we love you so much Ax. We want you to know that." He nodded. "I know that." Taking his hand, I tried not to cry.

"Before I met Simon, I was in a really bad relationship with someone who I thought loved me. A couple of months before that, I was attacked badly." He looked vacant.

"What do you mean?" I looked at my man. "I was taken advantage of." Axel looked at Simon..

"You mean?.." I nodded. I cried. He just looked at me. "Baby, Simon did raise you, but we've not told you the full truth."

His eyes darkened. "So, Simon isn't my real father? He then got up. "We didn't want you to feel different from everyone else around you sweetheart." He paced up and down. "You actually made me think that we were together on our own for so long when in actuality, you were raising me whilst dealing with this?" I looked at our son. "Yes. I had no idea on how to deal with what I went through. Your biological father was awful. He hurt me badly. We argued. We fought and he was terrible. Ax.. stop." Seeing him come to a standstill, he looked at Simon.

"So.. what happens now?" Simon looked back at him. "Do I still get to call you Dad?" Simon hugged him. "You can call me whatever you want buddy." He fully sobbed. I hugged him. Held him. "Mom.. please don't leave me." I promised him. "I won't baby.. I'm right here." Simon kissed my forehead. "Love you baby." I looked up at him. "I love you too."

Simon then made us both a hot drink. He just held on to me. It was like holding our little baby all over again. "I love you so much." He continued to cry. "Did Gran and Granddad know too?' I nodded. "Yes. Your Gran knew as well. She was there when I confided in her." As he settled down, Simon gave me the mug. 'Thanks." As he sat on the other side of the couch, my phone went off. It was Liv.

"What did she say?" Simon said that she was just checking in. "I'll reply to her in a bit." Holding my son, he just stayed quiet.

"Can I go to Auntie Olivia's?" I brushed my hand through his hair. "Not tonight sweetie." He asked me why. "I think she's busy tonight." He then yawned. "I'm tired." He then went up to bed. He said night. "Love you." Simon then hugged me. "That was emotionally exhausting. Now we've told him, it's like a huge weight has been lifted off my shoulders.. but I'm now worried about how he's going to deal with it.' Simon kissed my head.

"He will be confused, upset and angry.. but we will deal with it together." Heading upstairs with Simon, I kissed him. "Thankyou." He asked what for. "For truly being there for me and Axel no matter what." He thanked me in return. "What for?" He said for just being wonderful. "I love you." As he kissed me, I moaned.. "Do you like that?" I hummed. As he continued, I felt my finger touch his cheek. "The stubble on your cheeks are so hot babe.." He unbuttoned my top.

Getting protection, I let him love me. "Ahhh..." He was extremely gentle. "Do.. you.. like that?" He kissed my neck. 'Yes..I do." He pleasured me for hours..

I then pleasured him. Kissing his chest all the way down. He was definitely stiff. I could feel it.. "Come on baby.. I need you." As he went inside of me, I gasped.. "Simon.. Simon.." As I moaned, Simon giggled. 'I can't wait for you to become my wife.' I felt him going inside of me. 'I..m.. looking forward to you becoming my husband.' He was releasing inside of me. 'You feel good baby..' He grunted. 'Keep going..' I kissed his chest continuously.. he looked at me.. 'You're so beautiful.' I smiled at him. 'Baby.. i'm gonna..' He kissed my neck. 'I love you.' As we cuddled up together, we spoke about expanding our family once we were married. 'I'd love another child.' Stroking his cheek, I agreed. 'I can imagine you being a father to a little girl.' He kissed me. 'Can you?' I smiled. 'Yep.' He took my hand. 'I love you so much.' I said that I loved him too. Checking the time, I yawned. 'Did you wanna order a pizza?' He said yes. Sitting up, I put my cardigan on. 'You look stunning.' I thanked him.

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