Chapter 66♡

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(Caleb's P.O.V)

Sitting in my bed, I switched the tv on. Looking through netflix, I came across a tv show. It was called Stranger Things. As I put on the first episode of season one, I heard my phone. It was Amber. We were getting on well. We were just friends for now though. Settling into bed, I felt comfortable. Looking at the time, I saw that it was only 7pm. It was just Mom, my sisters and me. I already missed Dad. But, I knew that he would be back soon. He said that we were going to look at some suits soon. I was looking forward to the wedding. It was exciting. Texting Amber back, I started smiling.

"So.. did you talk to him or not?" Hearing Paige, I paused the episode. Was Ariel talking to Ari about Jayden? Or this Kian guy? Listening.. I giggled. Looking at Amber's reply, I hovered my finger over the buttons.

So, what are you up to?

Replying to her, I went downstairs to get a snack. Getting a packet of biscuits, I thought about how my first day was going to go. I felt nervous. But, I needed this fresh start. Heading back upstairs, I heard mom call me.

"Hey baby boy." She asked me to sit down. "I can always tell when you're nervous Caleb." Letting out a little giggle, I smiled. "I just don't wanna be seen as the school freak." Mom wrapped her arms around me. "When you were younger, you were always smiling. You were always happy." Settling into mum's arms, she ressaured me. "You've made the first step. Admitting that you'd like to seek help is massive Caleb. It may seem strange right now, but things are going to be okay." Telling her that I looked on the school website, she asked me what else I had found.

"Well, they have a brilliant selection of sports programs. I'm thinking of trying out for basketball." Mom said that was good. "All me and your father want is for you to be happy. You're going to be okay." She kissed my forehead.

"What time is it Mom?" She said it was 8pm. "Okay. Night. Thanks for the chat. I love you." As she kissed my cheek, I went back to my bedroom.

(Axel's P.O.V)

Laying in bed, I just thought about Lexi. We had been talking a lot more. She was such a sweet person. She always wanted to know how I was doing. I was caring towards her as well. I then heard something.. getting up slowly, I opened my bedroom door. It sounded like Mom was sleeping.. but I hear a grunting noise.. was it Dad? Was he?..

First of all, disgusting. Did Dad really feel stiff that often? As the noise died down, I heard the door open. Quietly shutting it, I went back to bed. Was I going to get those reactions too? I was getting to know Lexi. It was normal right? As I stepped out into the hallway, I went downstairs to get a glass of water.

Sitting at the table, I heard footsteps. "Hey Ax. Are you alright buddy?" Dad sat next to me. "Yeah. I'm fine. I heard you earlier." Dad's cheeks turned a deep shade of red. "I'm sorry that you had to hear that. It does happen sometimes.. even when me and your mom aren't.." sipping my water, I grimaced. "I wanted to ask you a question if that's okay?" Dad placed his hand on my shoulder. I was learning to be open and not shut off. "Will I feel like that too?" Dad then asked me if I wanted to feel like that. "I do at some point. I really like Lexi." Dad smiled. "What is it that you like about Lexi?" I blushed..

Just thinking about her made me smile. "I like the way she giggles. She's also really caring." Dad said that was good. "And she's pretty." Dad then advised me. "As you're turning fourteen soon, I want to tell you something." Looking at him, his eyes shone. "If you are going to continue to get to know her, please be respectful. She deserves that at least." Agreeing with him, I yawned. "You have to get up in a few hours. You should get to bed." As I put my glass in the sink, I hugged Dad. "Thanks Dad. I love you." Dad held me. "I love you too buddy."

Going upstairs, he said that he'd be up in a minute. Hearing my phone, I saw a text from Caleb.

Why was he texting so late?

Hey. Did you wanna go to a party this weekend? I just wanna go out.

Did he wanna party or party, get lit party? Because if he wanted to go in like that, I wasn't up for it. I wanted to try my best to behave. But, me and Caleb were like brothers. Texting him back, I headed back to sleep. I was trying not to worry about anything at the moment. Robin was planning a new task for our next session for the next few days as I was getting used to being at school again. I was going to be okay.

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