Chapter 65

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(Ariel's P.O.V)

Mom, Paige and I were going to get some shopping. The boys in the house ate way too much. 🤣 Caleb was growing though. As we got in the car, Paige said that she had tummy ache. "Are you about to start your period?" Mom smiled. "I'm not sure Mom." Paige looked like she was about to cry. "It's okay.." I comforted her. "It just means that you're maturing. And developing." I knew that Mom was wanting to talk about mine coming up as well. Again. Because of my trauma, my emotions were really fragile. Getting to the supermarket, we got out. Getting a trolley, Mom got her list out.

"So, how are your friends sis? What's the goss?" Paige giggled. "Well, Cece said that Kian is joining another class that we're in. Him and Jayden get along really well." As I pushed the trolley, she asked me for some advice. "Well, remember that Jayden has known you since you were seven years old. If he makes you smile, then that's good. How was Cece's party?" Picking up some packets of sweets, Mom picked up vegetables, meats and some fresh bits and bobs. "I'd like to keep things healthy girls." Giggling, Paige said the party was really good. "It was fun to hang out with Cece, Izzy and Bea." I could tell that she wasn't telling me something..

"Banana milkshake for your brother. I also need to buy some more personal stuff for him." She raised her eyebrows. "Well, he's starting to develop too." Trying not to laugh, I heard my phone. It was Amber. She was asking how I was doing. She was feeling a lot better since she had spoken to me and Ria about getting to know Caleb. She seemed happier. Texting her back, Paige told me that she was hoping to head back to cheer squad practice soon. "I just want to feel confident." At her age, she was bound to feel different.

"I love what we do. A new teacher called Alice is hoping to teach us. It's just something new." Mom then called us. Heading over to the other aisle to find her, she asked us what she thought of a new piece of clothing for Harper. It was adorable! Placing it in the trolley, I picked up a bunch of flowers. "We can pop in to your Gran on the way home." Mom then got our girly bits. "How's Jason sis? I answered Paige. "He's good. I might suggest popping over to his house to catch up." Paige then asked how the plans were coming along for the formal dance. "I have actually been talking to Anna about it and my plans are coming along." As we went to the till, I thought about the girly chat that I had with Mom. I did eventually want to get to that stage with Jason as we are in a relationship.. but I know that Jason is paitent. He's so kind as well. That's what I adore about him. Once me and Paige had helped mom pack up the bags, we put them in the car. Her phone then bleeped. It was Caleb. "Hi sweetheart. Oh.. what timeYes. That's fine. See you soon." Getting in the car, we asked Mom if anything was up. "Oh nothing. He just asked me if he could go and see Rio this weekend."  We both nodded. 'How about we arrange the girly night when we get back?' Me and Paige giggled. 'She doesn't know that Auntie Nina is already..' Mom's voice popped up.. 'Auntie Nina is urm.. planning a date with Uncle Simon.' Paige smiled. 

'Okay..' Me and my sister sighed in relief. We needed to ring Auntie Nina ASAP.' When we got home, we helped Mom unpack the shopping. 'Are you two excited for the wedding?' We both squealed. 'Yes we are. I'm excited to spend time with everyone.' Paige said that she was excited to eat the food, and dance.' Mom smiled at us. 'I love much you two have grown. The two of you along with Caleb are growing so much.' Once we had packed the shopping away, both of us heard Caleb. 'Hey sis.' He hugged Paige. 'Hey little bro.' He kissed Mom's cheek. 'how are you doing baby?' He made himself something to eat. 'I'm alright. I have my appointment tonight.' I said that I hadn't forgotten. 'Where's Dad?' Mom said that he must be upstairs. 'He said that he has to head back to work soon.' Once Caleb had made a sandwich, he sat in the living room. 

'I'm going to head upstairs.' Going up there, I knocked on mom and dad's bedroom door. 'Come in.' Hugging Dad, he smiled at me. 'How are you Dad?' He kissed my forehead. 'I'm really good thanks. How was it with your mom and sister?' I said that it was good. 'How long will you be away for before the wedding?' He said about 5 days. 'But I will be home every night.' I held him. 'I'll miss you, your brother and sister.'  I said that I would miss him too. 'When I have time, we can discuss doing another activity.' Smiling, I said that would be fun. 'You can pick if you like?" I said that sounded cool. Heading back to my bedroom, I took out my camera. I was going to see if my siblings wanted to take some photos. "Hey you two!" As they came into my bedroom, they asked what was up. "Nothing. I just thought that we could take some photos!" Caleb giggled. "Cool!" Caleb tidied his hair up. "I just wanna take some photos for my scrapbook."

"I wanna look good." Paige giggled. "Let me tidy up my hair as well." My siblings were adorable. Getting my camera ready, we posed, giggled and continued to make jokes towards one another. "How are you Ariel?" My brother smiled at me. "I'm actually really good thanks." Asking him how he was, he said that he was okay. "I'm getting there." As we chilled, I asked Paige how she was feeling. "I'm okay. I'm still struggling though." Hearing that you're beautiful and believing it was two different things. Me and Caleb knew that our younger sister was so lovely. We just needed to keep being there for her. "I'm heading back to cheer squad practice next week. It'll be good for me to be around my friends." We both agreed. "And I'm going to be starting at Elenor Roosevelt tomorrow as well." Both me and Paige wished him luck.

Heading downstairs, Mom said that she had some leftovers in the fridge for us. She was sat reading a book. It was rare that Mom took out the time for herself. "I'll see you soon baby." Dad kissed her. "Ew! Please... no PDA!" I shouted. My siblings giggled. "I'm just going to miss your mom sweetheart." Paige and Caleb nearly passed out from laughing so much. "But, it's disgusting Dad!" Dad then laughed. "I had better go." As all of us hugged him, he kissed all of us. "I love all three of you." As he waved bye, we asked mom if she was okay.

"I'm fine." As she called Caleb, Paige and I sat at the kitchen table.

(Caleb's P.O.V)

Mom stroked her hands through my hair. Although I was thirteen, it was comforting when she did that. "Is everything okay with you baby boy? I just wanted to check in." Smiling, I was honest with her. "I feel nervous about tomorrow Mom. What if no one likes me at the new school?' I felt really odd. "What I do need to do is write down how I'm feeling." Mom hugged me. "Aw Caleb. I'm so proud of you. What you're doing is recognising that you need to do something positive to combat your nervous thoughts." I just wanted to feel okay.

"The good thing is that I've been 5 days clean of hurting myself." I felt proud of that. Mom and Dad had noticed that I wasn't really letting the urges consume me. Dad was teaching me to just breathe whenever a flashback or negative memory popped into my head. Mom said that my dad loved me very much. "You're his baby boy as well. He just loves you." She then asked me if I had heard from Rio. "I have actually. I'm hoping to meet up with him this weekend if that's okay?" She said that was fine. "How about you invite Rio over for dinner in a couple of weeks?" I thanked her. "It'll be nice for you." I heard my phone go off. "It's just Amber." She then kissed my cheek. "I'm proud of you. And I love you." I said that I loved her too.

Texting Amber back, I googled the school. Looking at the details and what kind of things they offered, I came across a sports program page. The school had basketball clubs, baseball clubs, art classses. Looking at the teacher information page, I read more. It looked like a good school. I was scared about making new friends. I was scared about being the new kid. But, Mom and Dad were good at ressauring me. And I was going to be okay. I had another session with Dr Lindstrom soon as well. He wanted to delve more into my aniexty. Getting my stuff out for a shower, I opened my bedside draw. It had a tin in it. I just had some pills in there. Just for my aniexty. Taking one with some water, I went into the bathroom.

Showering, I let the water hit my face. Sometimes, I just liked having this time on my own. Looking down at my male body parts, I checked that everything was okay. "Caleb. I've left some bits and pieces on your bed for you sweetheart." Mom was the best. "Thanks mom!" As I finished showering, I wrapped a towel around my body. Drying my face, I thought about me vomiting when I had my first therapy session. I just felt so nervous. I've never opened up like that before.

I just wanted to be happy. When I walked into my bedroom, I saw that Mom had left me some bottles of shower gels, some face creams, some flannels and some t shirts. Smiling, I dried myself off. I was going to be turning fourteen in July. Time had flown by. It was nice to know that I was growing up though. Getting dressed, I looked through the things that I needed for tomorrow. "Son?" Dad knocked on my bedroom door. Telling him to come in, he sat on my bed. "Hey you." As I put stuff away, he kissed my head.

"Hey." He asked how I was feeling. "I'm okay. I'm a bit nervous about starting at the new school." Dad then ressaured me. "You're our speical boy. You're going to be okay. I actually bought these for you." He gave me an areosmith album and a Justin Timberlake album. "Aw Dad. Thanks." He hugged me. "I used to love listening to Areosmith growing up. Then, when I was about your age and I was starting to intreact with the ladies, I thought I'd start listening to Justin Timberlake as he is cool." Giggling, I thanked him.

"I love you son."

"I love you too Dad."

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